April Fools' Pranks

These are 10 pranks listed in msn's feature article by CareerBuilder.com.
Are you working tomorrow and going to play a prank on someone?
Here are some ideas from the article:
1. Changed the caller ID on a co-worker's phone to read "Mr. Kitten" every time he called someone.
2. Placed random objects from people's desks in the vending machine.
3. Placed a live goldfish in an IV bag in a clinic.
4. Snuck onto someone else's computer and sent out an "I love you" e-mail to the entire office.
5. Wall papered someone's entire cube with headshots of his co-workers.
6. Convinced a colleague that a co-worker was in love with him.
7. Sat on the copier and placed the copies back in the paper bin. Anytime co-workers made copies, they had the image of the prankster's backside in the background.
8. Turned all the clocks in the office one hour back to make the work day seem longer.
9. Locked all the doors, shut off the lights and put a "Closed" sign in the window when the boss went out for lunch.
10. Placed fake rubber chocolates in the break room and watched as co-workers tried to chew them.
Are you working tomorrow and going to play a prank on someone?
Here are some ideas from the article:
1. Changed the caller ID on a co-worker's phone to read "Mr. Kitten" every time he called someone.
2. Placed random objects from people's desks in the vending machine.
3. Placed a live goldfish in an IV bag in a clinic.
4. Snuck onto someone else's computer and sent out an "I love you" e-mail to the entire office.
5. Wall papered someone's entire cube with headshots of his co-workers.
6. Convinced a colleague that a co-worker was in love with him.
7. Sat on the copier and placed the copies back in the paper bin. Anytime co-workers made copies, they had the image of the prankster's backside in the background.
8. Turned all the clocks in the office one hour back to make the work day seem longer.
9. Locked all the doors, shut off the lights and put a "Closed" sign in the window when the boss went out for lunch.
10. Placed fake rubber chocolates in the break room and watched as co-workers tried to chew them.
Go to the "autocorrect" feature in Microsoft Word and replace the person's name with something rude and childish.
So, every time the person writes their name in MS Word, it gets automatically replaced. Most of the time they don't notice until they start getting replies back addressed, "Dear MR. Butthead"
Reversing the settings on a mouse is alwasy fun too.
Another favorite of mine is putting a sign on the copier that says its now "VOICE ACTIVATED".
"Hello, hello? Mr. Copier?"
I told my husband that I had quit my job. He didn't think it was funny... Maybe next time I'll tell him I'm pregnant.
My wife called me and told me that our 2 year old had broken her collar bone and she was headed to the emergency room. The thought crossed my mind that it was possibly a joke but it wasn't. I am sure the bill will be very real as well.
1. Pregnancy and joke never go together. Remember that.
2. How in the world do you cast up a collar bone?
Did I say cast? I meant sling... :oo
I remember a similar joke we played on a young male co-worker. He was dating a young women from another department. We all liked to joke about it because she had come upstairs and asked him out in front of everyone. They had been dating for a couple of months when April 1st came around.
One of our nurses called him up and pretended to be from the local health department. She told the co-worker that she was trying to reach the girlfriend. The nurse told him that the girl had put his name down as a person to call in an emergency. She said she just needed the girl to know the test had come back positive.
He turned white as a sheet. He laughed when we told him it was a joke, and then told us how much of a joke it had been. What we hadn't known, was that the girl had actually just gone to the health department for something minor.
I was happy to go to their wedding about 2 years later, and last I heard they have 2 children.
E Wart
Of course, I laughed and told her to call Mom, tell her she had just called me and I said the Baby Shower would have to be rescheduled since my daughter-in-law was on the way to the hospital to have the baby!
We had a good laugh over that! Ironically, later that night after the shower, daughter-in-law went to the hospital. She is now dilated 1! They sent her home and we are still waiting for our granddaughter to be born.