Exile Island

Survivor Panama: Exile Island begins Thursday, February 2nd, on CBS.
The 12th season of Survivor promises some new twists. Four teams instead of two and "exile island" - a seperate island where one player will be banished to each week.
This season's players include a retired astronaut, an attorney, a female lumberjack (lumberjill), and a registered nurse.
Always nice to have a registered nurse on your tribe.
The 12th season of Survivor promises some new twists. Four teams instead of two and "exile island" - a seperate island where one player will be banished to each week.
This season's players include a retired astronaut, an attorney, a female lumberjack (lumberjill), and a registered nurse.
Always nice to have a registered nurse on your tribe.
Starts tonight on CBS!
Real funny guys
I have not seen 22 people (guests included) ever! But, that's OK, we're not competing, right? We publish our daily stats for all to see and it's just natural for me to know these things and be curious about what other boards do.
As an aside, we did hit 38 members online yesterday. That's about 20% of our registered base. You claim you had 22 an hour ago (notwithstanding the fact that the "check who's online" tool shows 4) so that's about 1% of your subscriber base.
Sorry about the delay in meeting at Blue Coast. I'm game any other time.
I don't usually watch TV but tonight I watched a bit of Survivor. Specifically the jump, unhook raft, paddle, solve brain teaser, etc challenge.
I was apalled! There were numerous wardrobe malfunctions. I'm not sure how or why the networks get away with showing such filth. Surely, they're planned in order to draw an audience. Why would the women be allowed to wear the skimpy outfits when anyone with half a brain knows that things are going to be revealed given the activity they're enaged in.
My concern here is that there may be children at home watching this. We're talking prime time. Where's the Reverend Falwell when you need him.
Other than that, it was pretty cool.
You can't judge survivor by one episode. You have to watch 3 or 4 in order to get to know the people and start to give a rip about what happens.
Its such a strong show which is why its outlasted alot of other reality shows. They tweak the show a bit each year but its essentially the same format as the first season.
I can't watch Fear Factor either. The skill tests for height and/or speed aren't too bad but to be made to eat cow's guts, maggots or other equally disgusting matter for money is degrading.
Cheryl C.
Good to see there IS intellegent life out there. Shows such as "Survivor", "Fear Factor", and "Bachelor Marries a Ho" are nothing short of a gross waste of time and energy. I'd rather watch paint dry....
I don't watch Survivor, so I'll just shut my trap now and listen and learn.
Back to you, Paul!
Yes, the voted off their strongest member, Tina. I really don't understand that kind of mentality. If you watched carefully, it looked like Cerie was actually paddling backwards in the immunity challenge.
This season has the most gimmicks so far. I like some of the changes. Being able to find the hidden immunity idol and keep it a secret until you need it is great.
I think Misty made a mistake when she acted like she had found the idol. Anyone who had actually found it wouldn't have said that.
Gene was right. Lots of wardrobe malfunctions.
The best line was from Tina talking about Cirie "Did she know what show she was going on?"
The Old Guys look strong. Never bet against a group of old guys. I love the karate instructor. HEeeaayyaahh! Awesome.
Will the older women's group regret booting off their most outdoorsy member?
Will the older men continue their dominance?
Will the younger men figure out how to build a shelter?
Tune in tonight.. ON CBS!
Ok, so the older women are probably spared much misery by a suprise merge. Teams are picked by the time honored method of basic humiliation, i.e. young good looking people first while the rest of the group waits to find out just how unpopular they really are. If you turn your tv way up, you can actually hear the crunching sound of their last shreds of dignity being stomped on.
Sadly, Mr. Miyagi, my favorite Survivor at the moment, is picked last and must suffer his degradation on national tv. However, his spirits are soon lifted when he learns that he has earned immunity and a trip to Exile Island.
Once exiled Mr. Miyagi promptly breaks his flint which is needed to start fire. He then begins furiously practicing his martial arts moves as if hoping to create enough friction to possibly light his shorts on fire.
Back at the reward challenge, its clear that there are two very distinct teams: one comprised of aggressive, organized people and one with mostly crazy people.
Suprisingly, the crazy people struggle to "get it together" and lose the reward which turns out to be a fishing spear, hooks, etc.
Tension is high back at Camp Crazy. Shane, who is still offended after being labeled on "old guy" when he is just 34 (get used to it, buddy)is starting to fall apart. He is a 3 pack a day smoker who is 3 days into non-voluntary "cold turkey." In a play to grab as much screen time as possible, he sort of tries to quit. His alliance members make a desperate try to talk him out of it while the rest of the team volunteers to pack his gear for him.
Alas, Shane reconsiders in an almost dramatic moment and blames his talk of quitting on dehydration. My thinking is that there isn't enough water in the world to make Shane think clearly but that is besides the point.
Meanwhile, Mr. Miyagi, unable to start fire with his flint or his kung fu, spends a cold night on Exile Island using a piece of driftwood for a blanket.
At the following immunity challenge, carefully designed to test the wits of the Survivors while falling out of their clothes, Team Crazy attempted to regroup. Not the strong or silent type, Shane announces to everyone that their team is "hurting" whereby the rest of his team rolled their eyes in unison.
Again, somehow, Team Crazy cannot function well and loses the immunity challenge. At tribal council Shane defends his attempt at quitting and then tries to smoke his torch. (Ok, I made up that part.)
Team Crazy then proceeds to vote off Melinda who looks like a young Tammy Faye Baker. The vote had all the drama of an Iranian election. Melinda said the reason she got voted off was that she wasn't stupid enough for the tribe. No argument here.
Next week: Tempers flare!
If the actual show was as entertaining as your recaps I would break down and watch it. Alas, I am afraid it isn't so. I will therefore happily make due with your recaps.
Keep up the good work.
And thanks for not saying "Paul, you have too much time on your hands" even if you thought it.
Today I am at home with my 2 year old while my wife volunteers at our fourth grader's school. So, yeah I do have too much time on my hands.
After giving Tammy Faye Bakker Jr. the boot at tribal council, Team Crazy is joined by Mr. Miyagi who is happy to see anyone after spending three brutal days alone on Exile Island.
Mr. Miyagi quickly endears himself to his new tribe by announcing "You just got the most important person of anybody!" What he lacks in grammar, Mr. Miyagi apparently makes up for in survival SKILLS.
He quickly sets up a water filtration system that involves pouring water through three t-shirts in order to remove "most" of the bacteria. These aren't three Hanes cotton t-shirts straight out of your top drawer. No, these are three STANKY t shirts that have been wore for almost a week by members of Team Crazy. Suprisingly, everyone quickly gulps down the "filtered" water deciding that losing one's dignity is better than getting dysentary.
Mr. Miyagi goes on to describe himself as a "gift from heaven" to his new tribe. I liked him alot better when all he said was "Heeeaaayyyaaahhh!" and made karate chops moves on invisible opponents.
Meanwhile, Team Good Looking has struggled ever since they lost their spear in the ocean. The only fish they can catch are poisonous. Finally, the catch a tiny fish they nickname "nemo" and somehow manage to split him among each tribemate. Despite the tiny portions, the fish fry is a welcome change from "squishy snail stew".
At the reward challenge, team Good Looking excels in the ever important skill of launching and catching a coconut. For winning, they get a tarp and some tupperware. They also get to pick one member of Team Crazy and send them to Exile Island. They pick Mr. Miyagi and send him and his SKILLS back to Exile Island for three more days of... exile on.. Exile Island.
Back at Camp Crazy, Shane the ex-smoker claims a stump as "Shane's thinking seat". Despite the obvious problem with the terms "Shane" and "thinking" being in the same phrase, the tribe resents his domineering ways.
Aras, the yoga instructor (you can't make this stuff up), who has managed to keep his faux-hawk intact on the island for over a week, says the understatement of the year: "I think the problem with our tribe is inherent in the personalities. I am in an alliance with three nutballs!" Truer words were never spoken by a metro-sexual yoga instructor.
Considering that Team Crazy is made up by a yoga instructor, "fire dancer", attorney, and a marketing executive, they are probably doing well to not have resorted to cannabilism at this point in the game.
The immunity challenge removed any doubt in my mind that the producers of this show want to create as many "wardrobe malfunctions" as possible. Essentially, a form of "sand wrestling", tribe members competed to carry a bag of rice back to their base. When it comes to pure rage and snarling viciousness, Team Crazy had the edge over Team Good Looking and won immunity. After getting their clothes back on, Team Good Looking walked sadly home to their camp.
At Tribal council, the perky "natural born flirt" who also happens to be a rocket Scientist was voted off the island which on Survivor is kind of a compliment. In her exit interview, she said getting voted off was a "suprise" but that the "experience was really positive and amazing" and then ate four jars of peanut butter.
We used to have "Survivor" parties and invite some of our younger staff over each Thursday night. We would pick a survivor contestant and whoever had the eventual winner won some prizes. We'd usually have 6-8 people over. It was pretty fun.
Whenever I start to feel blue, I start breathing again!
Episode 4 Recap
After voting off the lovely Misty, the male alliance of La Mina anchored by the astronaut and jet pilot are clearly in control leaving the two remaining females to jockey for position.
Sally, the All-American girl and social worker from Chicago, plainly states that she is a strong competitor and worth keeping around. Plus, she is dang cute in her shorts and kneehigh stockings.
Ruth Marie on the other hand is older, slower, more frail, and frighteningly thin. Her only strength is her avowed loyalty.
Over at Team Crazy, Shane decides that the drama level was running a little low and begin accusing his tribe members of being lazy. "I'm not lazy!" yelled Bobby just before rolling over and going back to sleep.
At the reward challenge, Team Crazy shows that they can be crazy as a fox and whips Team Normal in a puzzle building contest. The prize is an outhouse called "Casa De Charmin" that has charmin toilet paper and is sponsored by Charmin. Did I mention that it was sponsored by CHARMIN?
Team Crazy also gets to pick one member of Team Normal to send to "exile island". They choose Terry, the jet pilot and undisputed leader of Team Normal.
After returning to camp with their new outhouse full of CHARMIN, Team Crazy decides that they have gotten accustomed to going to the bathroom in the jungle and vote to use the outhouse to store firewood. Unfortunately, while they are discussing the best use of the outhouse, Bobby "drops a deuce", makes his bladder gladder, burns a mule, lets the dogs out, drops the kids off at the pool, downloads a brownload, goes #2 and essentially christens the new outhouse and its supply of CHARMIN much to the chagrin of his team mates.
Over on the lonely Exile Island, Terry carefully reads each of the provided clues and succesfully locates the hidden immunity idol. So far this season, Terry has distinguished himself for his strong, decisive leadership and uncanny ability to keep his shirt tucked into his shorts during challenges.
Back at Team Normal, the tribe is floudering without Terry's leadership. Their attempts to catch fish produce no results despite the fact that the fish are literally leaping out of the water just a few feet from their boat. Austin spends most of the time writing "I miss Terry" in the sand.
At the immunity challenge, Terry is reunited with his tribe who are very happy to see him. The first thing Terry says is "I had a lovely stay on Exile Island and no I didn't find the hidden immunity idol buried in the shadow of the Y shaped mango tree."
The immunity challenge, a complicated relay race involving balancing on a narrow beam while carrying buckets of water, Team Crazy's aggressive style defeated the more cautious and careful effort of Team Normal. Sent once again to Tribal Council, the male alliance decided to keep the younger, cuter, stronger Sally over the older, frailer, Ruth Marie.
What a shock.
Day 12. Team crazy wakes up after a successful immunity challenge and makes an assessment of their camp needs: water, food, fire. Bruce (Mr. Miyagi) however feels the camp needs something a little more spiritual: a zen rock garden. Bruce feels that the rock garden will restore peace and beauty to the camp - qualities that he feels are sorely lacking. I hope he has a lot of rocks.
At the reward challenge, the teams compete in a kind of fish tossing competition. Being familiar with the FISH motivation program based on the Seattle Pike street fish market, I was curious to see if the tribes would "Choose their attitude" and "Be present" and how that would affect morale.
The motivation really seemed to work as the tribes competed intensely to see who would win the sizable food reward. On second thought, maybe it was the food that was motivating these starving competitors. Perhaps the key to motivaing employees is not "Moving" their cheese but rather "taking away" their cheese until they are so hungry they will do whatever you want for a stale crust of bread. Something to consider...
Anyways, Team Crazy has hit upon a level of dysfunction that really seems to work for them and they manage to come out on top once more. Their MVP, Bob Dawg was the main reason for their success as he was able to cut off the fish heads and tails with one quick chop.
Team Crazy takes their loot of fish back to their camp only to discover that their camp has been flooded. All their firewood is wet. Maybe storing the firewood in the outhouse wasn't such a bad idea after all (See episode 4). So, they simply began to eat the fish raw like Grizzly bears in the Alaskan tundra. To make it seem more "normal" they call it sushi but it doesn't look like any sushi I have ever seen.
Over at Team Normal, things are not much worse. After losing the reward challenge, Terry gets sent by Team Crazy back to Exile Island for three more days of "alone time". Before he leaves though, Terry makes what turns out to be a disastrous decision. Given the consolation prize of either rice or BEANS, Terry chooses BEANS.
Back at camp, without Terry to lead them, Team Normal casts off all restraint and gourges themselves on BEANS, BEANS, and more BEANS. Do you see where this is going? Take several people who haven't eaten anything for several days and then give them lots of BEANS. Keep in mind that these folks aren't simply running to the bathroom like you and I would in the middle of the night. They have to lurch off into a wet jungle in the pitch black dark of night. Let's just leave it at that.
Meanwhile on Exile Island, Terry has completely explored his new home away from home, built fire, caught food, and is relaxing with a hot espresso.
After the celebratory dinner of raw fish and wine, the sleepy members of Team Crazy collapse under their shelter for an awkward night of spooning with people who don't smell good. Bruce and Bob Dawg slip off to the outhouse with the last bottle of wine. Aahh, nothing like sitting in a dumper with a good friend and a cheap cabernet. These are the priceless moments that only happen on "reality tv".
In the morning, the rest of the tribe is none to happy to find that Bob Dawg and Bruce have finished off the wine all by themselves. Courtney, the fire dancer, says she is "shocked and awed" at their insensitivity but doesn't want to "give energy to it".
At the immunity challenge, Team Crazy starts off slow, probably because Bruce and Bob Dawg are still hungover. Team Normal gets a much needed win and sends Team Crazy to tribal council. I won't bother with the details of what the challenge involved but suffice to say it involved boats, sunken treasure, and skulls.
Team Crazy goes to tribal council and in a show of paranoia almost every member of the tribe recieves at least one vote. Bob Dawg, despite his heroic effort in the reward challenge, is given the boot. Its hard to say if he was being punished for "initiating" the outhouse, drinking the bottle of wine without permission, or for just being arrogant.
Either way, justice is served. Survivor style. What I love about this show is that no matter how "valuable" you might think you are, anyone can get booted off at any time. Power to the people.
OH, pardon my rudeness. x:P
This funny section is kind of boring right now, just trying to liven it up.
As the survivors near the halfway point in the game, its clear that anything and I mean anything can happen.
After booting Bob Dawg from the tribe for drinking the team's last bottle of wine in the dumper with Bruce, Team Crazy awakes to a new day. When no one can find Bruce, they search the camp. Finally, someone checks the outhouse and finds it locked.
The tribe members gather around the outhouse and shout "Bruce! Are you in there?" Finally, a small voice responds. "Go away! You violated my rock garden and you voted off my only friend. Go away! I am not coming out!"
For the next two hours the tribe attempts to cajole Bruce out of the john but with no success. Bribes, threats... all manner of tactics are tried but Bruce maintains his last stand in the crapper.
Eventually its time for the tribe to leave for the reward challenge but still no Bruce. Without any choice, Team Crazy leaves without him.
At the reward challenge, the topic of Bruce's absence is discussed much to the amusement of Team Normal. Shorthanded, Team Crazy loses easily and returns to camp empty handed. Tempers begin to flare as tribe members accuse Bruce of selfishly costing them the reward (a trip to a mainland spa and dinner with all the trimmings).
Soon the tribe is pounding on the outhouse and screaming "BRUCE! GET OUT HERE RIGHT NOW!" Shane, finds a knife and begins to pry the door open. As the crude door gives way, the rest of the tribe angrily claw their way in to grab Bruce.
Not easily defeated, Bruce has a death grip on the toilet seat and refuses to be extricated. A tug of war of monumental proportions follows as the members of Team Crazy try desperately to pull Bruce from the commode. Shane, half crazed with anger and nicotine withdrawal, grabs Bruce's leg and pulls on it with all his might. He pulled and pulled. I have never seen anyone pull someone's leg like that.
It was a great episode.