I've been listening to the news reports whenever possible and just wanted to share that my prayers are with those in Katrina's path and their families.
Me too. Here's a cut-and-paste from another thread:
The last confirmed report from Don came via personal email at home yesterday around mid-morning. He said they are predicting massive flooding and treacherous winds as "far" north as he is (Jackson/Madison). He said he ventured to Walmart and saw nothing but evacuees. He signed-off by saying that he would probably take a displaced family in.
I was going to come in and post the same thing this morning. I have been thinking about all of our posters down south and pray that they (and their families) are safe and sound.
Once again, our crews are making plans to travel to the affected areas if requested. I certainly add my prayers for the safety of everyone in Katrina's path. Linda
Amen. Watched the weather channel while home for lunch. To see the interview of the man that lost his wife was amazing. If I understood it correctly the water came up in their home at an incredible rate. He was holding her hand and she told him that she couldn't make it and for him to take care of their children and grandkids. At that time they had yet to locate her.
Lord...forgive me when I whine for I am so blessed.
I too was struck by the pictures I saw over the lunch hour. Last week Don was grillin sausages for two shifts, now.... And it doesn't look like things will improve in the short term for so many of those poor folks.
Emails to Don (at home and work) are going unanswered. I have left him a voicemail at work. I dial his home number and I get a recording saying that my call cannot be placed. I hope everything is OK.
I've been glued to CNN via TV or satellite radio during every waking, non-working moment since Sunday afternoon. The news of the aftermath continues to be more horrific by the hour. The extent of the devastation and suffering is mind boggling, and evacuees are pouring into our shelters here in Austin.
I grew up in Galveston, where a hurricane took an estimated 8,000 lives in 1900, before hurricanes were categorized by number, and before weather forecasting and telecommunication permitted early warning. And as a small child in 1958, I was in the worst tornado to ever hit the city of Dallas. I have tornado nightmares to this day. My heart is breaking for all the victims and their families, and for a part of the South that may never be the same.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 08-31-05 AT 00:09AM (CST)[/font][br][br]Our hotel in central Alabama (Birmingham) is full of Louisiana and Mississippi refugees.
Aside from being able to check on our property and my friends in Alabama, I don't know what's going on down there. My prayers are with all of you.
I hope Don and all our Mississippi Forumites are OK.
edit: If anyone in the affected areas of Mississippi need a place to stay because of Katrina, let me know via e-mail or private message me. We will make room if at all possible. If not, we will try to do whatever we can!
My family and I are all fine. No power in 95% of this area. I am at work at 2:30 a.m. on Wednesday just to get cool air. Cannot sleep in 85 degrees with humidity so I got up and left at midnight. Wal Mart has power and our factory and office building does, but not much else. I have a terrific amount of tree damage, limbs and power lines everywhere and shingles blown off. Most roads are passable now but those in my area are closed due to poles and lines down and no power crews in sight. They are predicting 2-3 weeks for restoration. Tension is rising to say the least. Spent all day yesterday either picking up limbs, trying to start a dead chain saw and sitting in line for gas along with a thousand other fools who ran out. No money, ATM won't work, the stores that are open have no power and just have their doors open and can't take a credit card. Three freezers are melting and everything will begin to spoil today. No hot water, no nothing. Candles are getting shorter than my temper, propane is gone. Yesterday I made 'coffee' on a fish cooker out in the yard with the little propane I had left. No ice to be had. Our plant is running but about 50% of the people haven't shown up. None are injured I'm sure, just can't get out of their driveway or street due to trees. Have not seen a television since Monday afternoon so I don't have any information on the casualties and damage. Just heated a piece of pecan pie from a snack machine (two bucks). I had forgotten what hot food was. Scrambled eggs and grits would be good right about now, or maybe a piece of fried chicken. I have a little camping grill and a lantern that work off those screw-in propane bottles but there are none of those to be had anywhere. I have a freezer full of steak and chicken and God knows what else, but no way to cook it. No television and the radio batteries are dead. That's something else that can't be found, batteries, nowhere. I will be mighty ornery by the end of this day.
Thanks for the concern. Pray for those that are less fortunate than I am.
Thoughts and prayers are with you Don. Glad you and yours came thru without any injuries.
I can relate to what you are going through. I lived thru Hugo and the aftermath (all the things you describe) are just as bad (or worse) than the actual storm itself. Fortunately, things do seem to go faster than predicted, but it's still mighty stressful not to have water, lights and decent food.
I know I speak for everyone, I was sure relieved to see your post. This will be a challenge but you will overcome!!! Just remember when the frustration starts to surface that you don't have to look very far to find someone in a worse situation. Our thoughts and prayers will be with all of you that were subjected to the storm.
Glad you are ok Don, I've been thinking of you and the others too. My coworker has 11 family members from Biloxi staying with her. (a year ago, who would have thought people would be evacuating to Florida!) They ALL lost their homes and have nothing to go back too. One gal is a school teacher and her school is gone too. It is just unbelievable. I remember well from last summer some of things Don is experiencing. It is not fun. Will keep you all in thoughts and prayers.
Glad to hear from you and to know you and your family are ok. We know you and Carol Anne are tough, Don, and though it's ugly now, you're going to get through this situation together, and have lots to tell your future grandkids some day.
I echo the concern of the others and am glad to hear that you and your family are well. I remember last year after Hurricane Jean that the subdivision where my parents lie (across the golf course from my home) was surrounded by fallen trees and could not get out. After getting my roof retarped, my brother and I took our chain saws and started to cut into the subdivision, while those inside started to cut outward. I described it as a war zone, but it pales in comparison to the damage experienced from Katrina. God bless you and all of those who have been effected by the storm. After reading your post, about the damage around your home, I had towonder about the bottle trees that you are so proud of?
Is the mail or FedEx able to get through to your area? If so, let me know. I would love to send any items that would be helpful to you and those in your community. You can email me privately with an address.
"Whenever I start to feel blue, I start breathing again!"
Don, I'm so glad you and your family are hanging in there. I, too, experienced some of what you're dealing with when Hugo came this way. Let us know how we can help. We'll keep praying for you and the victims of this storm and its aftermath.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 08-31-05 AT 12:57PM (CST)[/font][br][br]Thanks for all the public and private offers to send items. However, the things we really need can't be shipped; power, hot food, warm showers, cold beer, hard ice and ceiling fans and crash courses in patience. And prayers. Gas is being rationed and has jumped 30 cents or more. Generators seems to be the hottest selling item and those are going for a premium. Home Depot and places like farm supply stores will get 200 a day in and sell them in hours. There are reportedly guys with 18 wheelers selling generators out the back door and the radio people are cautioning against those purchases. $450 generators, I'm told, are going for $1400. It's shameful to profit from people like that. Besides waiting and waiting for power restoration, mopping up melted stuff, raking and burning limbs and cutting trees away from houses there's not much going on right now in my area.
Just heard the entire city of New Orleans is being evacuated now with 80% of it underwater and the levee is busted. It's a city in a bowl, you know, the entire city below sea level. Nobody is allowed to travel southward out of here and many are wondering if their houses still stand and their friends still live. So, in that respect, I am very lucky indeed.
(edit) The entire Port of Gulfport Mississippi 'exists no more'. It's a major shrimping port and all the bananas coming into the US enter through that port. Containers (shipping trailers) are scattered for a mile to the north of the port. A casino larger than a football field now sits across the highway from where it was moored on barges. I remember Hurricane Camille. Until Monday night, she was proclaimed the most powerful b*tch of all time. She no longer has that distinction.
Don, I too would be more than willing to send a care package to whomever. In the coming days, if you of people that need specific items please let us know. Put an address out there and we can send packages to that address.
, >Just heard the entire city of New Orleans is >being evacuated now with 80% of it underwater >and the levee is busted. It's a city in a bowl, >you know, the entire city below sea level. >Nobody is allowed to travel southward out of >here and many are wondering if their houses >still stand and their friends still live. So, in >that respect, I am very lucky indeed. >
The situation is N.O. is deteriorating by the minute. It's now a fetid and toxic bowl of filth, carnage, and debris populated by those awaiting rescue (or further evacuation) and those who, either desperate or simply opportunistic bottom-feeders, are looting, shooting and -- this just in during my lunch break -- breaking into hospitals menacing patients and medical personnel. Frantic nurses are using cell phones to call for police assistance. Meanwhile, the water is still rising in some areas and the mayor has just released an official statement predicting a death toll that may go into the thousands.
There are dozens of websites with information on how to help. They're sponsored by the Weather channel, Red Cross, many church organizations, etc. I, like others, would like to send my help directly to those who will receive 100% of what I send. There are many coordinated efforts already in this community. I like the 'adopt a family' approach where I can send things specifically to them. But like everyone here, I'd be glad to help in any way.
We have a 7 man crew in Houma, LA (electric distribution) and they start at 5:30 am and work till 9:30 pm. They have gotten a wonderful reception from the folks there. Everytime they drive by people give them "thumbs up" and applause. They are getting the power restored one subdivision at a time. Problem there is, some of the substations haven't been brought back on yet and that slows them down. They are proud to be there and be of help to our neighbors. Don, I wish they were in your neck of the woods. They will stay 7 days then come back and we'll send another crew. We'll keep this up as long as possible.
One of our buyers moved from here 2 years ago to go work at the Dole shipping facility in Gulfport. I have not been able to reach him, but am hoping that he and his family are just holed up somewhere safe.
I hear gas here just hit $3 today, and with all the stories coming out of the south I can't even complain. We are lucky. Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone there. I wish we could do more.
I'm very seriously thinking about getting a small team together and drive down and deliver some supplies. I wish I had access to a plane and we could air-drop supplies to the remote areas.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 08-31-05 AT 06:25PM (CST)[/font][br][br]So glad to hear you and yours are safe, Don...anything I can do, just post or email. The images are simply unbelievable. We've got quite the heat wave going on, and everyone's been testy. After Katrina, we say give us 110 at the beginning of September anytime.
So good to hear from grouchy ole Don. Whew, was I worried.
Like everyone else I just want to help. With each story heard and picture seen, the blessings of being alive, healthy, sound mind, and not in the path of that storm is felt.
Americans have a way -- and we will recover - as we assist each other, sometimes one person at a time and sometimes in groups. Certainly there are things more important to be concerned about than someone(s) without nothing who has just lived through devastation of this magnatude taking a pair of shoes, or something to eat from a store.
This morning I actually heard someone say that all looters should be shot on sight. Unbelievable. In reading Don's post I was struck with the thoughts that those chips, dips, and stuff won't last through the recovery anyway. So why guard them. Use them for a public that needs them now. Certainly order must be maintained, don't get me wrong, but a little common sense can be in view as well.
There are those who had precious little before, and now have absolutely nothing. They were not even able to leave -- whether they wanted to or not.
The last confirmed report from Don came via personal email at home yesterday around mid-morning. He said they are predicting massive flooding and treacherous winds as "far" north as he is (Jackson/Madison). He said he ventured to Walmart and saw nothing but evacuees. He signed-off by saying that he would probably take a displaced family in.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Pray for all.
Lord...forgive me when I whine for I am so blessed.
Emails to Don (at home and work) are going unanswered. I have left him a voicemail at work. I dial his home number and I get a recording saying that my call cannot be placed. I hope everything is OK.
I grew up in Galveston, where a hurricane took an estimated 8,000 lives in 1900, before hurricanes were categorized by number, and before weather forecasting and telecommunication permitted early warning. And as a small child in 1958, I was in the worst tornado to ever hit the city of Dallas. I have tornado nightmares to this day. My heart is breaking for all the victims and their families, and for a part of the South that may never be the same.
Aside from being able to check on our property and my friends in Alabama, I don't know what's going on down there. My prayers are with all of you.
I hope Don and all our Mississippi Forumites are OK.
edit: If anyone in the affected areas of Mississippi need a place to stay because of Katrina, let me know via e-mail or private message me. We will make room if at all possible. If not, we will try to do whatever we can!
Thanks for the concern. Pray for those that are less fortunate than I am.
I can relate to what you are going through. I lived thru Hugo and the aftermath (all the things you describe) are just as bad (or worse) than the actual storm itself. Fortunately, things do seem to go faster than predicted, but it's still mighty stressful not to have water, lights and decent food.
Hang in there...keep us posted.
Is the mail or FedEx able to get through to your area? If so, let me know. I would love to send any items that would be helpful to you and those in your community. You can email me privately with an address.
"Whenever I start to feel blue, I start breathing again!"
Just heard the entire city of New Orleans is being evacuated now with 80% of it underwater and the levee is busted. It's a city in a bowl, you know, the entire city below sea level. Nobody is allowed to travel southward out of here and many are wondering if their houses still stand and their friends still live. So, in that respect, I am very lucky indeed.
(edit) The entire Port of Gulfport Mississippi 'exists no more'. It's a major shrimping port and all the bananas coming into the US enter through that port. Containers (shipping trailers) are scattered for a mile to the north of the port. A casino larger than a football field now sits across the highway from where it was moored on barges. I remember Hurricane Camille. Until Monday night, she was proclaimed the most powerful b*tch of all time. She no longer has that distinction.
I too would be more than willing to send a care package to whomever. In the coming days, if you of people that need specific items please let us know. Put an address out there and we can send packages to that address.
Hang in there!
>Just heard the entire city of New Orleans is
>being evacuated now with 80% of it underwater
>and the levee is busted. It's a city in a bowl,
>you know, the entire city below sea level.
>Nobody is allowed to travel southward out of
>here and many are wondering if their houses
>still stand and their friends still live. So, in
>that respect, I am very lucky indeed.
The situation is N.O. is deteriorating by the minute. It's now a fetid and toxic bowl of filth, carnage, and debris populated by those awaiting rescue (or further evacuation) and those who, either desperate or simply opportunistic bottom-feeders, are looting, shooting and -- this just in during my lunch break -- breaking into hospitals menacing patients and medical personnel. Frantic nurses are using cell phones to call for police assistance. Meanwhile, the water is still rising in some areas and the mayor has just released an official statement predicting a death toll that may go into the thousands.
I hear gas here just hit $3 today, and with all the stories coming out of the south I can't even complain. We are lucky. Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone there. I wish we could do more.
If you do, let me know if I can contribute.
Debra (Whirlwind)
Not sure which form of communication is available to you today, but just in case, I have a special delivery on its way to you as we speak.
Like everyone else I just want to help. With each story heard and picture seen, the blessings of being alive, healthy, sound mind, and not in the path of that storm is felt.
Americans have a way -- and we will recover - as we assist each other, sometimes one person at a time and sometimes in groups. Certainly there are things more important to be concerned about than someone(s) without nothing who has just lived through devastation of this magnatude taking a pair of shoes, or something to eat from a store.
This morning I actually heard someone say that all looters should be shot on sight. Unbelievable. In reading Don's post I was struck with the thoughts that those chips, dips, and stuff won't last through the recovery anyway. So why guard them. Use them for a public that needs them now. Certainly order must be maintained, don't get me wrong, but a little common sense can be in view as well.
There are those who had precious little before, and now have absolutely nothing. They were not even able to leave -- whether they wanted to or not.