I always told my wife I wouldn't complain about gas prices until they got to $3.00 - won't be long now! She was always willing to stop at a convenience store or drive through and pay $1.25 for 20 oz of water, I could never understand complaining about gas at something less than $2 for a gallon.
My question: With gas prices the way they are, have any of you actually changed the way you do anything? For myself, I have to admit that we haven't changed much, if at all. We've spoken about limiting trips, etc, but I can't see that we've actually done anything different. I have an 18 mile commute to work, that's not going to change for a couple of years.


  • 59 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I've changed my method of transportation about three days a week and don't road-trip as often. I also bought a short hose at Home Depot and am practicing.

    "Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot."
    Charlie Chaplin

  • Ok, I'll bite. What's the hose for?
  • Other than accelerating my wife's car payment in order to buy something for myself that's better on gas (I drive about 34 miles one-way and spend about $45 a week on gas) I haven't changed a thing. However, I have noticed a LOT more people carpooling into the city.
  • They make small, inexpensive siphons. Don't risk your health with the hose. x:D
  • Three out of my four cars since turning 16 have been diesel VWs. The first two (84 Rabbit and 00 Jetta) averaged 43 MPG. My new one (05 Jetta) averages about 38-40 MPG. When I was in high school, I remember paying 88 cents per gallon for diesel. The other day, I think it was $2.45. My hubby kept trying to talk me into other vehicles, but my tree-huging soul couldn't stand the fuel economy. Oh, and the other car was a 95 Escort that averaged about 38-40 MPG as I remember.
  • I may be steppin in it but just what is a tree-huging soul? :-?
  • We haven't really changed any habits. I have a 22-mile trip one way, so am considering a change in vehicles. I have a small SUV which I love, but may go back to a passenger car. But it won't be a compact! Drove Escorts for several years, and liked them for lots of reasons, but comfort is more important than it was then.
  • We haven't changed anything. The fact is Americans can afford the gas, even now. The truth is we don't WANT to pay more. We'd rather pay more for 'label' attire, eat out at Red Lobster, and spend money impulsively.

    That's my story and I'm . . . . . .
  • They reported on the news just yesterday that most Americans *aren't* doing anything different. In fact, as a whole we are buying more gas now than we were a year ago.
  • I read a similar story also. However, they expect our gas spending habits to decrease over the next few months as interest rates rise. I don't believe that gas needs to be as expensive as it is, but I don't think we will be able to change our gas usage in the short-term. People have to get to work, and those of us in areas that don't have public transportation are limited in how we get to work.
  • I've got a 19 mile one way commute and no public transportation. I'm not running my AC unless it's over 85 and when my 11 year old SUV finally keels over (it has 205,300 on it) I'll probably look at a mid-size car with good MPG. My hubby laughed when I told him I was considering a hybrid. For a year now he's had a big Chevy off road truck which costs $65 per week to fill it, so I figured someone has to have a vehicle with good MPG.
  • KathyHR: I, too, am considering a hybrid. Does anyone have one? I'm wondering if I can afford to charge the battery since my last electric bill was over $500.
  • Linda, you don't have to charge the battery! It charges itself when braking (I'm sure someone else can explain this better than I).

    A few months ago, I was shopping for a new car and very nearly bought the new Accord hybrid. It was great, but a little too "cushy" for me (I like a sportier feel). Also, being a 8-cylinder, it's among the higher MPG's of the hybrids. I wound up with an Acura TSX, a 4-cylinder with almost as good an MPG rating as the larger hybrids (especially on the highway, where hybrids aren't charging themselves as much so need more gas...and where many of my miles are spent). I love my Acura and average about 25 MPG. I've already told them to put me on the waiting list for whenever Acura comes out with a hybrid, and I'll trade my current model in on it in a heartbeat.
  • One of our people was considering a hybrid but decided against it. Apparently, you have to eventually replace the batteries at a cost of a few thousand dollars every x-number of miles. He calculated that he'd be better off with a Toyota Corolla getting 38 mpg and not have to incur battery replacement expense every other year.
  • The Honda guy told me that they've been making hybrids for about 5 years now (the Insight and then the Civic before the Accord), and they haven't replaced a battery yet at their dealership, which is the largest Honda dealer in the southwest. The Volvo (which I also considered) salesman tried to scare me about hybrid batteries, but I think this is a ploy of the car makers who don't sell hybrids. Most people don't keep cars as long as the battery will typically last, but I'm sure there are instances of bad batteries, just as there are lemons of all makes.
  • We haven't changed a lot...but we do try to do as much of our errend running in one trip as possible...and I find myself stupidly paying more for something at the grocery store to avoid making a trip to walmart (which is further away)

    i did just have to give up my 96 geo-metro in favor of a something that the car seat would fit in comfortably!!! THAT has been an adjustment...the last time I filled up the geo, it was still uner 15.00!!!!! I rememeber when less than 8.00 would do it.


  • I just bought a 2005 Camry (at the price of a Corolla, on sale) and it gets 34 mpg. This is our third Camry for our family because of gas mileage, reliability and cost. Next year, they will be available with a hybred but I can't believe they will much better than 34 on the highway, which is what I get.
  • I've typed up two explanations that probably wouldn't make sense to anyone but me. When I met my cow-farmer husband, I described myself to him as a tree-hugging, VW-driving, calico-cat-owning, long-haired Catholic granola girl who prefers to wear long skirts and sandals with socks. But I'm not sure that will make sense to the average person.
  • My commute is 49 miles one way! Ouch,ouch, ouch!!! I can't change that, but I sure am changing my impulse buying...25% off is no longer good enough! I want 30-35% or the money stays in my pocket (um, gas tank!).
  • I was reminded yesterday that coffee is about $8.36 a gallon (more at Starbucks) but no one complains.
  • In Silicon Valley CA we pay min 2.87/per gallon for regular unleaded. I commute 50 miles each way 5 sometimes 6 days a week. I have a 16 gallon tank and to fill up is over $45.00 by my 4th commute day I need gas. If there was truly a reason for the increase I would or could understand the prices but as yet there is no reason.
  • A friend of mine is moving to CA in the not-to-distant future and fully intends to buy an SUV. That seems amazing to me, but it speaks to smoll's post above.
  • I am actively seeking a new vehicle and hope to have it purchased by the end of the upcoming holiday weekend. I currently have a Sable and get approx. 22 mpg. My daily trip to work and back is 70 miles a day. The mpg is the driving factor in my car search.

    Other than the new car search, can't really say we are changing anything else.
  • Good points all...

    It does me no good to complain about spending $2.50 per gallon of gas. We'll probably never see prices dip below $2 again. However, after visiting Dallas last week and seeing that they pay about $2.80 per gallon, I see that it could be worse...and probably will be in the near future. We need it so we must buy it or start riding a bike to work.

  • Of course, we are now getting prepped for another spike. I heard on the news this morning that due to strong demand in China and elsewhere as well as hurricane Katrina, trading in crude futures opened this morning at $70/bbl. Nice! I felt violated.

  • Where are the government officials or politicians? Shouldn't somebody be advocating a "Manhattan Project" or a "go the the Moon project" to get us off oil and into alternative fuels. There was an LA Times article a couple of weeks ago about some engineer types altering their hybrid vehicles and getting 250 miles to a gallon. The car companies are "mildly interested"!
  • Gillian is right. We're the richest most powerful country on earth and we can't develop alternative fuels.(?) Give me a break! However, it's not up to the Government or politicians, it's up to us as consumers and the voting public.
  • This very morning a guy at the gas station I always go to told me that by the end of today gas in New Jersey will be up to $3.00...he claims they were told yesterday to prepare for the spike...we'll see.
  • >We haven't changed anything. The fact is
    >Americans can afford the gas, even now. The
    >truth is we don't WANT to pay more. We'd
    >rather pay more for 'label' attire, eat out at
    >Red Lobster, and spend money impulsively.
    >That's my story and I'm . . . . . .

    The majority of americans can afford the gas! But they are thousands who cannot, like single mothers working for $8.00 an hour, spending $60.00 per week on gas, while trying to decide whether to get a refill on her much needed medication or buy groceries. She makes too much money to qualify for assistance, but barely enough to survive. These are the people that are getting hurt by high gas prices, not the professional people like you and me.

  • I filled up yesterday at 2.47...and felt fortunate!I know that won't last long.

    We have the technology to make more fuel efficient cars and get away from fossil fuels, but the incentive just isn't there for the car companies yet.
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