Independence Day

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 06-28-05 AT 04:57PM (CST)[/font][br][br]Does anyone have travel or ‘big’ plans for Independence Day? I’m going to stay home and fire up the grill, drink a few barley pops and enjoy the time off. I’ll probably pick produce from the garden and other necessary duties but relaxation is number one on my agenda. I haven't had a day off so far this year with the exception of Sundays and some Saturdays.
No, seriously, I think I'll just kick back and relax. Skip the other stuff. Don't want Don to have a coronary. x;-)
Cheryl C.
One bathroom, big kitchen, barking dog - well, there's one good day to look forward to - Disney World on July 5th. Guess I'll celebrate the weekend when we get back!
My son, daughter-in-law and 6 month old grandson whom I've seen only twice before will be visiting for a long weekend. I will spend as much time as possible with little Matthew. Let someone else fire up the grill.
I don't have grandbabies yet either so I borrow them when I go to church. The little ones know I'm good for a hug, a smile, and piece of gum if they sit quietly during the sermon. I try to keep my home semi-childproof in case we get some little visitors.
Cheryl C.
I hope you all have a Safe and Happy 4th!!
What did you get to see? We'll be going there in September for 10 days.
I wonder if we have any Forumites in Hawaii that I can meet...of course I'd document the visit well. x;-)
Cheryl C.
Cheryl C.
Honk when you to through Kingdom City on I-70, we live 'bout 7 miles south. My better half has been working on her current honey-do list for a couple of weeks now. I hear it involves painting the boys bedrooms and shampooing carpets. Other than going to the Country Club Monday evening for the fireworks, guess we will try and stay home for this much needed and much appreciated long weekend.
Happy 4th to all.
Wishing you all a safe and happy fourth.
we'll cook out...visit with family...and enjoy the quiet!
Have a safe weekend and say a special thanks to our troops around the world fighting for our safety.
Next the floors - ripping it all up and replacing with Brazillian Cherry Hardwood and tile. It will look great.
Our house looks like a war-zone right now.
I want to know how and why HRLASS is hanging appliances in her new home. I know I'm conservative and old fashioned, but.......
KS - re the balloon ride in August. If you've never had one, enjoy! I was a certified crew member for 12 years flying both competition and special shapes and was fortunate to have many flights. They're wonderful!
My husband asked me if I wanted a dvd/tv combo for mine...could make me want to spend more time cooking...NOT.
Cheryl C.