How many years before we see a repeat? Think he's learned anything about having children in his bed, or having children anywhere near him without chaperones and security guards monitoring every move? I'm doubting it!
I wonder if the outcome would have been the same had Jackson been defended by a court-appointed attorney or an overworked, underpaid public defender.
This all reminds me of a line from one of my favorite movies, The Verdict: Courts don't guarantee justice in this country. They just guarantee a CHANCE at justice.
All the rest aside, I cannot believe they passed on the alcohol charge. There was so much uncontroverted evidence about him providing the 'Jesus Juice'. I'm amazed they didn't believe even that. I have to believe in the jury process. But, 'California justice' is pushing me the other direction. If I decide to commit a horrible crime, I'm doing it there.
As Don was, I too was very surprised at the verdict on the charge of providing alcohol to minors. I'm with Don, "just do it" in California! x:o (Letter o)
I would have thought for sure that they would have made something stick. The 'Jesus Juice' stuff was all over the place, from nannies to flight attendants.
There's a special celebration on tonight at Neverland Ranch. Hugh Hefner is hosting a special celebratory pajama party for MJ complete with all of last year's Playboy Playmates to supervise the children and make sure there's never more than one in the bedroom.
I heard Gary Coleman will be there doing his best "watchu talkin' about, Sneddon?"
Beyond a reasonable doubt, that was the glitch. With all the questionable witnesses the prosecutor paraded in the court room, there was really no choice. Even the boy's mother came across as a charlatan and a fraud.
I believe MJ has sexually abused children in the past, just not this particular one.
It's always hard to determine the accuracy of a verdict from the livingroom. There is so much testimony and evidence presented that just cannot be covered by the media....
As I have explained to my mother, KNOWING someone is likely guilty and having it be PROVEN are two different things.
It does have something to do with money. He could afford an attorney to dedicate himself to this case. If that's unfair, then the problem is with our capitalist system, not Michael Jackson. He earned his wealth (what little appears to be left, anyway) and used it to supply the best defense team possible. Frustrating to those of us that could not do the same, but certainly, not illegal.
I suspect that he'll go into hiding, maybe write a book...but we won't see very much of him...
On the news last night the talking heads were interviewing Jackson's acquaintances and one of them speculated that Jackson might leave the country and settle elsewhere. Shades of Roman Polanski (but at least Michael waited until he was tried before skipping the country).
When we heard the verdict was coming in at work we all took bets. Wasn't much to bet on, everyone thought he was going to be acquitted. I and a few others thought he'd be found guilty on SOMETHING, more than likely providing liquor to minors. As we all know, that didn't happen. My my.....
Have him get with OJ and Michael for legal defense references.
I'm kind of disgusted with the whole thing. The one comment I read this morning in the paper that I liked was, maybe now he's got the 'not guilty' verdict, he'll finally decide to grow up. I feel sorry for his children. At the least I hope Debbie Rowe gets joint custody. Someone needs to inject some kind of normalcy there. They're not going to get it from the Jackson family.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 06-14-05 AT 02:20PM (CST)[/font][br][br]As my wife & I said last night about the verdict..."DUH". Follow the money & the status. OJ was acquitted, Robert Blake was acquitted, MJ got off...too! This was a no brainer.
But in the end, who cares? Did your clocks start ticking again when the verdict came in? I doubt it, they didn't even stop in the first place. I'm just glad it's over so I don't have to hear about it any more!!! Wacko Jacko did it and he got off scott free just like the others (except Martha Stewart). Life goes on.
I have to give credit to the that they are permitted to talk to the's got to be tough to remain civil through some of the questions....three of them were on MSN and the anchor kept asking, "but you KNOW he abused could you not find him guilty?"
Kudos to Juror #1 who finally said that they had to consider the case before them....and based upon the boy's testimony, combined with that of his family (esp. the mother) they just could not reconcile beyond a reasonable doubt.
Whether or not they think he did it in the past is immaterial to this case.
That's what is hard for "us" , the public, to handle...we want him tried and convicted based upon what we believe to be true, not what the prosecution's case demonstrated.
and not everyone gets off...Scott Peterson is sitting on death row. And he had a celebrity attorney.....
Not so deep in my heart, I believe Michael is a serial pedophile. However, the prosecution in this case was terrible. I, also, would like to know why the parents weren't charged with aiding and abetting Michael in his illegal actions (talk about conspiracy).
You're talking about HIS parents, right? They've been aiding and abetting for 30 years. Would like to read the mind of the huge guy toting the umbrella.
Too sad, very very sad. I was NOT proud to be an American when I heard this verdict. I do think though that "Someone in Higher authority" than Micahel will still have His day. Its just not time for that yet. scorpio
p.s. I was next to a man in the supermarket yesterday who was discussing this with the cashier. He said "Its o.k. cause one day one of these kids Daddy's is going to blow him away". My 1st thought was "goody" my 2nd thought was "and then the Daddy will get life". Some things just ain't fair.....
Only in America could a black male child from indiana turn into to a rich white woman in hollywood.
Sorry ... couldn't help myself. It's been one of those days. x}>
This all reminds me of a line from one of my favorite movies, The Verdict: Courts don't guarantee justice in this country. They just guarantee a CHANCE at justice.
#1 thing a consultant shouldn't say: "I could tell you the answer right now, but we're committed to a three month project..." #-o
There's a special celebration on tonight at Neverland Ranch. Hugh Hefner is hosting a special celebratory pajama party for MJ complete with all of last year's Playboy Playmates to supervise the children and make sure there's never more than one in the bedroom.
I heard Gary Coleman will be there doing his best "watchu talkin' about, Sneddon?"
I believe MJ has sexually abused children in the past, just not this particular one.
As I have explained to my mother, KNOWING someone is likely guilty and having it be PROVEN are two different things.
It does have something to do with money. He could afford an attorney to dedicate himself to this case. If that's unfair, then the problem is with our capitalist system, not Michael Jackson. He earned his wealth (what little appears to be left, anyway) and used it to supply the best defense team possible. Frustrating to those of us that could not do the same, but certainly, not illegal.
I suspect that he'll go into hiding, maybe write a book...but we won't see very much of him...
I'm kind of disgusted with the whole thing. The one comment I read this morning in the paper that I liked was, maybe now he's got the 'not guilty' verdict, he'll finally decide to grow up.
I feel sorry for his children. At the least I hope Debbie Rowe gets joint custody. Someone needs to inject some kind of normalcy there. They're not going to get it from the Jackson family.
But in the end, who cares? Did your clocks start ticking again when the verdict came in? I doubt it, they didn't even stop in the first place. I'm just glad it's over so I don't have to hear about it any more!!! Wacko Jacko did it and he got off scott free just like the others (except Martha Stewart). Life goes on.
Kudos to Juror #1 who finally said that they had to consider the case before them....and based upon the boy's testimony, combined with that of his family (esp. the mother) they just could not reconcile beyond a reasonable doubt.
Whether or not they think he did it in the past is immaterial to this case.
That's what is hard for "us" , the public, to handle...we want him tried and convicted based upon what we believe to be true, not what the prosecution's case demonstrated.
and not everyone gets off...Scott Peterson is sitting on death row. And he had a celebrity attorney.....
I, also, would like to know why the parents weren't charged with aiding and abetting Michael in his illegal actions (talk about conspiracy).
p.s. I was next to a man in the supermarket yesterday who was discussing this with the cashier. He said "Its o.k. cause one day one of these kids Daddy's is going to blow him away". My 1st thought was "goody" my 2nd thought was "and then the Daddy will get life". Some things just ain't fair.....