Cereal Box 'Treats'

Shadow's answer to the Superhero post reminded me: What was your favorite cereal box treat/toy/game/surprise? Mine probably predates most of you - it was the Big Inch Land Company (or something like that) that I believe was in General Mills cereals and they gave away deeds to a square inch of land in Alaska. Boy, I kept those deeds for a long time - must have been several months.

I saw some cereal box cards at a flea market recently selling for $8-10 each.
The ink disappeared, but left a stain on clothes.
The itching powder did not itch but it did trigger an asthma attack on my brother since I placed it on his pillow.
The potato gun did not fire potato plugs 50 feet but rather about 5 feet.
I never bought anything again until the Charles Atlas scams in comic books (another disapointment).
I do agree that the contraption known as The Orbit Launcher resembles a jerk bait with some sort of rattle device