Any LOST junkies?

I HATE the way this show answers one question for every twenty more it brings up! However, being fully addicted (is that covered by the ADA?), I will be tuning in next season.
So it looks like the "others" 1) have a boat, and 2) want Walt, not the baby. Is the woman who threw the boom juice really Alex? Was Danielle trying to help Claire escape when Claire scratched her? Did Sawyer really get shot? How on earth are they going to get out of the ocean? Can they build a ladder long enough to get to the bottom of the hatch? Who lit the fire that Danielle said meant the "others" were coming?
Anybody have any other questions, thoughts, or theories to share?
So it looks like the "others" 1) have a boat, and 2) want Walt, not the baby. Is the woman who threw the boom juice really Alex? Was Danielle trying to help Claire escape when Claire scratched her? Did Sawyer really get shot? How on earth are they going to get out of the ocean? Can they build a ladder long enough to get to the bottom of the hatch? Who lit the fire that Danielle said meant the "others" were coming?
Anybody have any other questions, thoughts, or theories to share?
Apparently the "others" have a boat and fuel, Walt was taken maybe because he is alittle different as his step father had once described him. How different no one has really found out yet.
I can't believe they are just going to kill off Sawyer and the others on the raft. There has to be some way they all find their way back to the island.
So many questions but very edge of your seat entertainment. I LOVE IT! Can't wait for the new season to start back up.
Anymore theories out there.
I'm still trying to figure out the island. There is something special about it or so I think.
My brother has theorized that the characters are already dead, but working through their life issues.
I don't know. But it's a neat storyline and I enjoy the flashbacks...they seem to be well placed and timed.
I'll tune in next season.
and I thought that Locke's legs were giving out but they seem to be just fine now...