Mother Dog Helps Human Baby

Amazing story about the dog in Nairobi, Kenya, that found an abandoned baby girl in a plastic bag in the woods and carried it across a busy street and through a barbed wire fence to it's litter of puppies. The puncture holes in the bag must have let in enough air so the baby could breathe. She's now in a hospital being cared for. They named her Angel.


  • 17 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I saw this amazing story. The dog apparently planned to take care of the baby along with her puppies. Sometimes animals are so much smarter than humans!

  • I saw that too. But, I missed the part where the dog communicated where she had found the bag and the fact that she had crossed a street and barbed wire fence. Most if not all animals bring food back to the nest for their young. Who is to say this was not the dog's motivation?
  • Well now, if that was the case, I suppose that the baby wouldn't have been found alive and a different kind of report would have been written. In this case, the story is what it is...a good one.
  • Makes a nice warm and fuzzy bedtime story for children, but let's get real and consider the possibilities. Dogs who have litters of pups in the woods have two strong urges. One is to protect the puppies and the other is to feed herself and the puppies if they're old enough. Didn't mean to puncture your dream; but chances are the dog tore the holes in the bag and hadn't yet gotten her bib on when someone found the bag. Dogs are about survival, not raising humanoid offspring.
  • What kind of bedtime stories did you tell your kids? Did you read them the daily news paper with all its crime and gloom? Animals have been known to save humans by alerting them to fires and the like. Why would they do that if all they want is to feed themselves and their offspring?
  • Accoring to the article I read, the baby started to cry and a mother and child followed the cries to the shed where the dog was. They found her between the moma dog and one of her pups. We may not know for sure if , in fact, the dog dragged the baby across the road and into the shed. One thing I do know, the baby did not walk into the shed by herself.
  • How do they know the child was abandoned in the woods etc. etc. Sounds like some has seen one to many Tarzan or George of the Jungle movie.
  • Whatever, from CNN online... "Infant abandonment is a problem in Kenya, where poverty and the inability to care for the child are blamed."

  • I do not question that the infant was abandoned. I'm just more inclined to believe that the child was abandoned by someone in the shed than in the woods.
  • Infant abandonment is a problem EVERYwhere. That doesn't explain how the dog told them she found the bag through the wire, across the road and in a field.

    I'm working on another story..."Man saws off own head with rented Stihl chainsaw; returns to rental company to complain."
  • Ye of little faith. I have come to the conclusion that several Forumites were raised by wolves. Seems reasonable that a dog could adopt one little baby.
  • I agree.

    According to the follow-up report, "Residents who found the baby Friday say the dog dragged the newborn in a plastic bag across a busy street, through barbed wire, to a shed where the dog was caring for her own pup. That puppy has since died." So it seems there were witnesses of the incident.
  • Gee, some of you Forumites are grinches! I do believe you would complain if you were shot with a new gun!

  • Several things. First, why would anybody want it to be known that they watched a dog drag a baby (across a busy street etc) and a puppy die and did nothing. It appears they want the runaway bride to look good.

    Second, I was not raised by wolves. As my children could tell you, I was raised by dinosaurs. x;-)
  • Seems to me that some people on the Forum can't tolerate an alternate proposition. All I did was suggest that maybe it wasn't what it was cracked up to be. I thought we were all about expressing of alternate ways of doing and seeing things. This same place in Kenya...that's the same place where half the population stood on a hillside once and swore they saw a group of UFOs.

    OK, so now there are witnesses who saw the sacked-baby being drug across the steet, over the river and through the woods to grandmother's house. Interesting story. Lucky baby. Nice dog. Baby Angel. Neat. I predict that later this week every American will be challenged by CNN to contribute to this baby's college education by sending cash to a lockbox in Kenya.
  • I certainly don't mean to complain, but I thought it was: "Hung with a new rope". Where did this 'shot with a new gun' come from?
  • Hunter1: Gun, rope, potato, potahto. I'm getting more violent in my old age.
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