
On my wall I have framed a June 25, 1897 handwritten account of my Grandaddy's balance sheet at Mississippi A&M. It shows about $37 in credits and debits for the year, or semester, not sure which. Long Maroon history in my family. My dad, my brother, me, my son, and tomorrow we go for the last time. The daughter walks the stage to get her masters in school counseling. She's got a job in a wonderful school district near Memphis and soon comes off my payroll. I may drink a salted blender full of something tomorrow nite. x:D
When I took driver's ed (not saying how long ago) it was an after school class and I earned 1/4 credit for it. But nowadays, kids have to take driver's ed if they want their license before turning 18. We paid $200 for one daughter to take it through her high school but the other daughter was homeschooled so we paid $300 for an independent instructor. Car insurance is a whole 'nother story....
Still, I would rather be indebted for this than anything else I can think of.
Both myself and my husband paid our way through undergrad and graduate programs. I am still paying on my loans and will continue for years to come. I also watch my niece finish her second year at Pitt, not paying a dime, barely working over the summer, and being totally ungrateful to her parents for their respective sacrifices to allow her to attend. I guess I am old school believing that if you pay for it yourself you seem to fully appreciate the results.