The South Postpones Rising Again

The Onion recently carried an article about the South postponing, once again, rising. A South Carolina radiator technician was quoted as saying, "Lord willing, and the creek don't rise, we gonna rise again." The article further states that even though the Deep South states rank at the bottom of the nation in literacy, hospital beds, toilet paper sales, and shoe usage; experts believe the region could be poised for a renaissance. Further on the article states, "Though Southerners are overwhelmingly in favor rising again, few could provide specific details of the rising-again process."
So how about it, Rebs. How much longer do we have to wait?
So how about it, Rebs. How much longer do we have to wait?
>So how about it, Rebs. How much longer do we
>have to wait?
Do you really think we will give out that information. It's just like Candid Camera, "When you least expect it, you'll be elected. It'll be your lucky day!"
Yeah... a destination to which this Northerner is dragged kicking and screaming three or four times a year!
Still, it's better than North Dakota in January.
Or any other month for that matter.
I am more interested in "The Onion". I am originally from (and still call home) a small town in south GA known for it's vegtable (which by the way is the official vegtable of GA.) I can't wait to tell our local newspaper publisher that he needs to change the name of the weekly paper from "The Advance" to "The Onion".
Rise from what? I got a little worried when you started mentioning literacy, (if we are at the bottom, I hope we will rise) toilet paper sales (enough said) hospital beds, (it might be good tha we are at the bottom on this... if they aren't needed.) etc.
E Wart
>worry, Texas will always be here to hold
>everything together, after all Texas IS the
>center of the universe.
Amen and amen.