Man-O-Man. I thought Hillary and Martha exemplified extreme arrogance; but, Jane Fonda Turner puts them both in the shade. Imagine these three women, all sitting at a table together, signing books.
Yup! Ol' Jane will never reform herself in my opinion. Unless she wants to give half of whatever she got from Ted to me, then I'd seriously consider giving her the time of day.
I totally agree about arrogance. It really chaps me that people actually are willing to spend money buying a book she wrote about her life after the way she betrayed our country and particularly our service men and women. Who gives a rat's raincoat about her life?
I will most likely read her book. I think she's lead a fascinating life and overcame a lot to be the wondrous beautiful person she is. Get over the 'hanoi jane' crap, heck if I'd been old enough at that time I probably would have protested that war any which way I could.
I have no respect for you if you would actually travel to Hanoi and sit in the middle of a communist country's enemy machine gun nest like she did.
She has pretended to apologize for that this week but only in order to sell her book. She now says she betrayed our servicemen and women by doing that. Glad she finally sobered up and concluded that 35 years late. Had anybody in uniform done that, they would have been guilty of treason and shot.
There were acceptable and honorable ways, I'm sure, to show disagreement and even to protest. 'Get over it' indeed.
Who gives a rat's raincoat about her days of binging and purging, lining up other women to bring into her bedroom for threesomes, multiple boob jobs, failed marriages, being a traitor and lesbian tendencies. OH MY GOD; I JUST HELPED HER SELL HER BOOK!!
Judy: I will NOT "get over the 'hanoi jane' crap"! I respect your opinions, and value your input on this forum, but if you weren't old enough to protest that war, or if you didn't serve in it, please don't tell me to get over it. "wondrous beautiful person"?????
denise: What the hell does her being a woman have to do with this topic???
But, they ARE female and they can't help that. If they could, they would have by now. I've not heard anyone criticize them for being female, nor are they being criticized for their intellect and business savvy, both of which I respect in any person, male or female. The criticisms largely deal with other, much more important traits, traits they have purposefully cultivated over time.
As with the race card, some are quick to play the sex card as a means of halting the conversation. x:-)
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 04-07-05 AT 10:51AM (CST)[/font][br][br]I'm not justifying nor do I approve of what she did in Hanoi. But that was a long time ago, who among us didn't make major errors in our youth? My point is she has done a lot of other things that I do respect, I respect her business savvy, her acting skills, her style. No I would not have gone to Vietnam and done what she did cause I don't have the nerve. But as I've said in other posts my father (and brother for that matter)served in Vietnam and I believe that because of what that war did to him and in turn to me upon his return gives me the right to oppose that war.
Of course, you're right. After all, look what Dahmer and Bundy and the Columbine kids and the Menendez boys all did in their youth. We will never know how many deaths HER behavior led to or perpetuated. Youth does not grant one the protected right or priviledge of stupidity or the freedom to break the law, for those over the age of majority, which she was. Treason at one time was against the law.
The womens' libbers and Rosie O'Donnell say that Jane Fonda was the product of three overbearing and misguided men and her behaviors were subconsciously motivated by the greed and misdeeds of those men. Father Henry Fonda, husband Ted Turner and the guy who was the California congressman...forget his name. I would expect that take on her behavior.
I watch Jane on TV last night. She was very arrogant!
She said how she was not loved by her dad. I believe a person can use that excuse until about the age of 25. After 25 a person is old enough to make their own way. Jane is over 60, and she picked the men in her life.
She said the picture she took in the middle of a machine gun nest was accidental. She just wandered into this area and sat down and someone took the picture. (Could anyone just wander into a machine gun nest, smile, and let someone take your picture???)
Don, I believe the guy's name was Tom Hayden. Being of kindred spirit, they deserved eachother.
Jane has the unique distinction of being the one and only American (term used loosely here)to ever stumble into an enemy machine gun nest and survive. Imagine that.
I did not catch her on Larry King Live last night, but the radio show I listen to really blasted her. Anyone see that show? I understand she said she was sorry if anyone was offended. Offended! Sitting on a missile launcher that was aimed at our American soldiers and smiling for the cameras? You damn well bet I was offended to make a gross understatement.
Don D, you know how to stir things up, don't you? I've read postings here for several years and never responded, but I couldn't let this one go without a reponse. Whether the war was right or wrong is not the issue, but our brothers, sisters, husbands, wives, sons, daughters, etc were losing their lives in horrific ways while Jane was smiling for the camera behind enemy lines calling our servicemen & women murderers. I agree that there are other ways of protesting a war without joining the enemy. That is treason no matter how you look at it.
You are at least partly right: some of us, including your father and brother fought that war for your right to oppose it - then or now. But opposing something, and actively aiding, abetting, assisting, giveing comfort and aid, emotional, moral support and encouragment is not part of the act of opposition. Nothing she has ever done since will attone for the horrors she inflicted on some who were prisoners then. And if she has such wondrous business 'savvy', why didn't she stay in Hanoi and use her business acumen to raise the standard of living of the Vietnamese. If she really beleived what she preached, she could not in good conscience accept the riches our country affords. I hope she rots in hell!
I saw Jane Fonda on tv a few nights ago. She couldn't say enough about how dumb it was to have her picture taken on that gun, and how much she regretted it.
On the other hand, she felt her trips there were justified. She felt getting on the enemy's radio to tell our troups to consider giving up and leaving was justified. Everything else but the gun incident was justified in her opinion.
Others who have done less to undermine our troups have been tried and convicted for betraying our country. We tried to go after Tokyo Rose after WWII (for demoralizing our troups via radio). And what child doesn't learn about Benedict Arnold. Why did they let Jane get away with it? She was worse than Rose!
I support her right to say anything she wants here, but to go over there and hurt our troups that way! That is a true betrayal.
My husband is a Vietnam Vet and has shared with me some of the horrors he faced there. Like any other war veteran, he came home a changed man.
When my husband finally arrived home he was called a traitor and spit upon by anti-war protestors. Think how that felt? That one incident was as bad or worse than anything he went through over there. But Jane can sit there and tell us how her actions were justified.
We would like to 'get over it' and put it behind us. If she was really sorry and made an effort to repair the damage, we could. But since she keeps going on the air for various reasons (like selling a book) and telling us her betrayal was justified, it makes it impossible to 'get over it'.
Shadowfax hit the nail on the head. Business savvy indeed. Her timing seems to be really good, though. Apologize now so everyone will be sure to buy the book. Let her peddle it in Viet Nam. Linda
"I saw Jane Fonda on tv a few nights ago. She couldn't say enough about how dumb it was to have her picture taken on that gun, and how much she regretted it."
NaeNae, you nailed it too. The reason she declares that the photo op was dumb and regrets it and hates that she did that is because she can never do anything about the existence of the photo. It's out there and it's haunting to most every American, including her, maybe. She can deny most everything else she did or spin it this way or that, but the photo, that wondrous and lasting photo, will live in infamy, as someone else said.
It's not just the photo; it's a movie clip that not only shows her on the gun but also her glee at doing so. If you see it take a closer look you can see her smile and seems hysterical in laughter as she does this vile act. I’m surprised she hasn’t used an excuse such as, “I was so screwed up on that North Vietnamese pot that I didn’t know what I was doing.” Oops, I just gave her another reason to apologize.
From an article on dated 4/11/05:
"Jane Fonda, nicknamed Hanoi Jane by an outraged nation for posing on a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft gun that fired at American aircraft, says that the photo-opportunity was a 'betrayal' of her country. Thirty-three years after the photograph was taken in a gun pit outside the North Vietnamese capital, Fonda regrets her treachery towards 'the country that gave me privilege.' Fonda made those comments while appearing with Iraqi insurgents in an undisclosed location over the weekend.
"'The Vietnam photograph amounted to the largest lapse of judgment that I can even imagine,' said Fonda as she smiled and held up rocket propelled grenades with the Iraqi insurgents who had just finished attacking an American military convoy. After posing with the insurgents, Fonda went to the Ahkmed and Noble bookstore in Fallujah where she signed copies of her new autobiography, 'Jane Fonda: Empty Apologies.'"
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 04-13-05 AT 03:21PM (CST)[/font][br][br]This has been an interesting thread to read. I have no feelings one way or the other about Jane Fonda, but some of the strong feelings expressed here remind me of a similar thread some time ago when Bill Clinton published his book. Everyone was absolutely adamant that they were NOT going to buy his book, or read it, and yet sure 'nuff, it was on the bestseller list on Day One. Go figure.
(edit): I'll save some of my views on the Vietnam War for another time.
You must have missed the stories about Clinton's handlers buying those books by the thousands. Same with HER book. But that was probably just the spin from the ultra conservative right wing media pundits and religious zealots.
I neither bought nor read Clinton's book - Ican hear much more interesting lies down at the corner barbershop - and could not be bribed to watch a Hanoi Jane movie, although I suspect my wife and daughter sureptiously and while I am away, might watch the one she made with L Marvin...Cat Balou or something like that. I've always wondered how Lee felt working with her - of course his toughguy military image was probably all just movie hype anyway. Maybe Cat Balou belongs on the feral cat thread and Don and Gene could......
You just have to poke that bear with a stick, don't you? Or should I say, poke 3 bears with a stick? There are folks I like, folks I don't like, and folks I don't know. I think these 3 women fall
She has pretended to apologize for that this week but only in order to sell her book. She now says she betrayed our servicemen and women by doing that. Glad she finally sobered up and concluded that 35 years late. Had anybody in uniform done that, they would have been guilty of treason and shot.
There were acceptable and honorable ways, I'm sure, to show disagreement and even to protest. 'Get over it' indeed.
Who gives a rat's raincoat about her days of binging and purging, lining up other women to bring into her bedroom for threesomes, multiple boob jobs, failed marriages, being a traitor and lesbian tendencies. OH MY GOD; I JUST HELPED HER SELL HER BOOK!!
Intellect and business savvy should not be bad things. If they were male, we wouldn't even be having this conversation.
denise: What the hell does her being a woman have to do with this topic???
As with the race card, some are quick to play the sex card as a means of halting the conversation. x:-)
And don't forget:
"To err is human, to forgive is divine"
The womens' libbers and Rosie O'Donnell say that Jane Fonda was the product of three overbearing and misguided men and her behaviors were subconsciously motivated by the greed and misdeeds of those men. Father Henry Fonda, husband Ted Turner and the guy who was the California congressman...forget his name. I would expect that take on her behavior.
She said how she was not loved by her dad. I believe a person can use that excuse until about the age of 25. After 25 a person is old enough to make their own way. Jane is over 60, and she picked the men in her life.
She said the picture she took in the middle of a machine gun nest was accidental. She just wandered into this area and sat down and someone took the picture. (Could anyone just wander into a machine gun nest, smile, and let someone take your picture???)
Jane has the unique distinction of being the one and only American (term used loosely here)to ever stumble into an enemy machine gun nest and survive. Imagine that.
I agree that there are other ways of protesting a war without joining the enemy. That is treason no matter how you look at it.
On the other hand, she felt her trips there were justified. She felt getting on the enemy's radio to tell our troups to consider giving up and leaving was justified. Everything else but the gun incident was justified in her opinion.
Others who have done less to undermine our troups have been tried and convicted for betraying our country. We tried to go after Tokyo Rose after WWII (for demoralizing our troups via radio). And what child doesn't learn about Benedict Arnold. Why did they let Jane get away with it? She was worse than Rose!
I support her right to say anything she wants here, but to go over there and hurt our troups that way! That is a true betrayal.
My husband is a Vietnam Vet and has shared with me some of the horrors he faced there. Like any other war veteran, he came home a changed man.
When my husband finally arrived home he was called a traitor and spit upon by anti-war protestors. Think how that felt? That one incident was as bad or worse than anything he went through over there. But Jane can sit there and tell us how her actions were justified.
We would like to 'get over it' and put it behind us. If she was really sorry and made an effort to repair the damage, we could. But since she keeps going on the air for various reasons (like selling a book) and telling us her betrayal was justified, it makes it impossible to 'get over it'.
NaeNae, you nailed it too. The reason she declares that the photo op was dumb and regrets it and hates that she did that is because she can never do anything about the existence of the photo. It's out there and it's haunting to most every American, including her, maybe. She can deny most everything else she did or spin it this way or that, but the photo, that wondrous and lasting photo, will live in infamy, as someone else said.
"Jane Fonda, nicknamed Hanoi Jane by an outraged nation for posing on a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft gun that fired at American aircraft, says that the photo-opportunity was a 'betrayal' of her country. Thirty-three years after the photograph was taken in a gun pit outside the North Vietnamese capital, Fonda regrets her treachery towards 'the country that gave me privilege.' Fonda made those comments while appearing with Iraqi insurgents in an undisclosed location over the weekend.
"'The Vietnam photograph amounted to the largest lapse of judgment that I can even imagine,' said Fonda as she smiled and held up rocket propelled grenades with the Iraqi insurgents who had just finished attacking an American military convoy. After posing with the insurgents, Fonda went to the Ahkmed and Noble bookstore in Fallujah where she signed copies of her new autobiography, 'Jane Fonda: Empty Apologies.'"
(edit): I'll save some of my views on the Vietnam War for another time.