Disgusting Ad

Have any of you seen the magazine ad of Lever 2000 soap showing a baby chewing on an adult's toe? I know this is supposed to portray how clean a person is if he uses the soap, but I find it totally disgusting. Maybe it's just me, but I wonder what kind of parent would allow their baby to be used in this way.
What I'm amused at is these young couples I see at restaurants who take out the wipes and antibacterial liquid and make a big show of disinfecting everything within ten yards of their precious baby. Two things amaze me about this practice: First, this same couple will drop their baby off at day care the next morning without a thought, and second, the poor kid will never develop any immunities if they treat him/her like this all the time. Didn't your mom say 'You've gotta eat a bushel of dirt in your lifetime'? I figure you might as well get off to a fast start, then become more particular as you age.