Seminars for Women-For HR in TX

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 01-27-05 AT 02:58PM (CST)[/font][br][br][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 01-27-05 AT 02:57 PM (CST)[/font]
(Prepared and presented by Males)
First my apologies...this is for HR in NH
1. Elementary map reading
2. Crying and law enforcement
3. Advanced math seminar: Programming your VCR
4. You can go shopping for less than 4 hours
5. Gaining five pounds vs. the end of the world: A study in contrast.
6. PMS: It's your problem, not mine
7. Makeup and Driving; it's as simple as oil and water
8. Football: Not a game, a sacrament
9. Why your mother is unwelcome in the house
10. Gift giving fundamentals (Formerly titled, "Fabric bad, Electronics good")
11. Yes, you can fill up at a self service station
12. Joys of the remote control ( Formerly titled, “Reaping the benefits of 50 channels “)
13. What comes around, goes around: Why his credit card is not a toy
14. His poker games: Deal yourself out
15. Commitment Schmittment (Formerly titled, "Wedlock Schmedlock")
16. To honor and obey: Remembering the small print above "I do"
(Prepared and presented by Males)
First my apologies...this is for HR in NH
1. Elementary map reading
2. Crying and law enforcement
3. Advanced math seminar: Programming your VCR
4. You can go shopping for less than 4 hours
5. Gaining five pounds vs. the end of the world: A study in contrast.
6. PMS: It's your problem, not mine
7. Makeup and Driving; it's as simple as oil and water
8. Football: Not a game, a sacrament
9. Why your mother is unwelcome in the house
10. Gift giving fundamentals (Formerly titled, "Fabric bad, Electronics good")
11. Yes, you can fill up at a self service station
12. Joys of the remote control ( Formerly titled, “Reaping the benefits of 50 channels “)
13. What comes around, goes around: Why his credit card is not a toy
14. His poker games: Deal yourself out
15. Commitment Schmittment (Formerly titled, "Wedlock Schmedlock")
16. To honor and obey: Remembering the small print above "I do"
1. I can read maps and make a darn good co-pilot
2. You are mistaking me for another forumite
3. I don't tape things from the tv and my clock is on the wall
4. I'm in counseling for this (jk)
5. I need to lose 5 lbs?
6. PMS: Pack My Suitcase or Pass My Shotgun
7. I don't wear/need makeup
8. OK, sign me up for this class!
9. unwelcome to smoke but ok to visit
10. see # 4
11. Regular or high-test?
12. Only 50 channels? Last I checked there were 500
13. I don't need his credit card
14. We prefer Dominos
15. Sigh...
16. Sigh again...
1. Elementary map reading - [url][/url], trust me, it works, directions and all.
2. Crying and law enforcement - photo radar limits that possibility
3. Advanced math seminar: Programming your VCR. - VCR??? You've got to be kidding! TIVO baby, TIVO.
4. You can go shopping for less than 4 hours - only if I have high speed internet.
5. Gaining five pounds vs. the end of the world: A study in contrast. - Then I would no longer have to worry about the five pounds would I?
6. PMS: It's your problem, not mine. - Do you actually say this out loud?
7. Makeup and Driving; it's as simple as oil and water. - Did you make this one up when you were behind the wheel talking on your cell phone?
8. Football: Not a game, a sacrament. - Amen.
9. Why your mother is unwelcome in the house. - All she wants to do is have a beer. What's wrong with that?
10. Gift giving fundamentals (Formerly titled, "Fabric bad, Electronics good"). - Duh.
11. Yes, you can fill up at a self service station. - Okay this is the real sign of how old this thing is...where in the world would you find a full service gas station?
12. Joys of the remote control (Formerly titled, “Reaping the benefits of 50 channels) - Refer to HRin NH.
13. What comes around, goes around: Why his credit card is not a toy. - Ditto to above.
14. His poker games: Deal yourself out. - My SO doesn't particularly care for poker because I always have to tell him what beats what.
15. Commitment Schmittment (Formerly titled, "Wedlock Schmedlock"). - From Wedlock Schmedlock to Commitment Schmittment?!? Someone has never been married before - The two are entirely different.
16. To honor and obey: Remembering the small print above "I do." - Small print indeed. There's a reason I've been single for 15 years.
That having been said, it is nice to see someone step up to the plate and draw fire from the women while others (such as myself) just kinda sit back and watch. x;-)
Oh BTW Leslie... th-up
Cheryl C.
As to map reading, I am profoundly adapt to reading various maps including Topo's since I am in the mountains so often. Which means I can make my way from NM thru TX (as quckly as possible) and on the NH. But then, why would I want too?
Have a good weekend!
Cheryl C.
2. I will only say that in my 30+ years of very fast driving I have only received 1 speeding ticket (by a female of course) so crying and law enforcement does work.
4. I can easily spend a $1000 in under an hour why shop for 4?