Barbra Focker

I detest this Streisand person; but, wanted to watch a comedy two days before Christmas. I think I went to sleep. The only redeeming part was Dustin Hoffman's cool clothes. The fact that this movie is leading in sales gives testimony to the reality that we've got slim pickins for entertainment this season.


  • 8 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • OK Don, now my wife is going to be upset with you. I havn't been to a movie since the first Fockers, but admitted to her I wouldn't mind seeing this one (despite the 'Babs' irritation) which made her very happy (since she likes going to movies). Now, when I report that I have changed my mind, and when questioned for the reason I will have to report it was based on your critique..well, I guess everyone's risk of being shot by a deranged female on the drive home just went up a couple of notches. a public service to my fellow and cherished forumites, she's driving a dark blue 2002 Impala on I 94 - and she has red hair. Red Alert! Red Alert! DO NOT...I repeat DO NOT.. flip her off or try to apprehend her..she's packin' and dangerous even on a good day!
  • Pleae do us all a favor and take your wife to the movies! I trust Don's HR wisdom tremendously -- but as a movie critic he is a great HR Director. You may turn out to like the movie, or at least find it tolerable, and that may save a life or marriage.

  • Dasher you have struck a vibrant chord, I'll 'take one for the forum' so to speak. I feel like a hero already.
  • Wowwwww!!!! I thought the movie was excellent, and extremely funny. So I give it a th-up

  • Well, as I've said before, if you live in Elkton, MD, you can watch the train go by or listen to Barney the Cop's stale jokes, or go see the Fockers. x:-)
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 12-30-04 AT 09:37AM (CST)[/font][br][br]Yea, tomorrow night we are taking the kids to see it, obviously this will be my second time. But Don, I do hope you will respect me in the morning. Just give me some time and I will "Fockerize you!"x}>
  • O.K. I am no fan of "Babs" either. However, I am a HUGE fan of De Niro and so I have devised a plan. I shall go see this movie and when anyone but De Niro is on the screen I will close my eyes and boo!!! Don, do you think that will work? I hate to deprive myself of some De Niro just because I have no use for the rest of the cast. What say you???huh? huh? huh?x:-/

  • Well OK I went - and can report it wasn't too bad. Although I did nod off at some point, as did my one and only. Some of the situations just seemed to be fabricated for a laugh rather than realistically flow from the plot, as I thouhgt the first one did, but overall it was ok. As an RVer I loved the bus. The out take of Hoffman and the sign language was the best part. Roads are safe for another few months!
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