A contest requiring sheep to back up on a stump with a perverted farmer positioned in a stationary manner.
Log rolling.
The sport that Scott Peterson will soon be introduced to when he is positioned with his elbows firmly planted on a stationary surface like a cot or a dining room table or a laundry machine. (But, your question implied he would win. He would not}.
James Sokolowski
A contest requiring sheep to back up on a stump with a perverted farmer positioned in a stationary manner.
Log rolling.
The sport that Scott Peterson will soon be introduced to when he is positioned with his elbows firmly planted on a stationary surface like a cot or a dining room table or a laundry machine. (But, your question implied he would win. He would not}.
There are winners up above my post, I am sure.
2. Backstroke
3. Tug-of-war
4. Historionics
5. The Sheep Shag
6. Logrolling? no.
6. The Peterson Pull. There are lots of winners here.
How's my crawfishin'?