Since you asked

For those of you who are interested, here is a picture of me at the convention
Who knows, maybe you did see me on the tube!
Who knows, maybe you did see me on the tube!
(a little confused :-)
"How lively can a convention be with a room full of men in brown suits? And even duller if they had on black shoes."
That's a standard Republican uniform, dating back to the Reagan days when it became fashionable for men to wear brown suits again. When representing the Party in public, all Republicans are required to look like IBM executives. x;-)
The first thing I did think was "Nice tie". I love a nice tie. In fact, thats the only thing I miss about having a boyfriend. I see these great ties and I have no one to buy them for.
What was the name of the convent you two were living in? Think rad, think. There's gotta be more than ties. Think.
I am wearing a black suit but the tie does not have polka dots, those are elephants! And the flag pin is the state of New Mexico's so I could educate people east the Mississippi that we are part of the union. Sorry, but I did not bring by cowboy boots with me to NYC and no my shoes were not shined, didn't have time for that. No, that is not a stethascope around my neck, those are my credentials to get in. Since neither Ray or Whatever would come visit me, I had no choice but to attend the sessions.
What did we accomplish? Hum, let's,party,party. Event, event, event. Shop a little then convention. Oh yeah, we also nominated and selected "W" and Dick for Prez & VP. I have a ton of pictures, but no way to get them to you all. It was fun & interesting.
Whatever, the button was approved by PETA (People Eating Terminated Animals-Ted Nugent's group)
I think it's brown, personally - Slogan's suit, that is... just like my jacket. x:-)
No time for a shoe shine? Nonsense! I'll have to start the ASPCF - American Society for Prevention of Cruelty toward Footwear. Sam - wanna be my co-founder?
Just checking.