Was it small print...causing you to tailgate to read it...causing you to rear-end the car... causing your nose to be in pain? If so, the sticker's message was proven and it's objective was accomplished. At your expense.
Great observation!! Ray posting to tell us he's not at work with a time stamp on the post! Sorta like the bank robber writing his demand on his deposit ticket. (I wonder if it's painful for him)
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 08-26-04 AT 01:15PM (CST)[/font][br][br]Ah Don, the time stamp shows 4:40 CST, which was 5:40 local time. Were you still at work at 5:40 your local time... and you too Whatever???? Don, my intellegence...inteligense...intellagance...intelligince... smarts is so great that I waited for a red light so I could safely get close enough to read it. My nose is fine... no pain.
Actually I was at a meeting that seemed to go on forever (probably because by 6 I was hungry and very much in need of anything alcoholic). So you weren't smart enough (and/or traveling fast enough) ( and/or your reflexes weren't fast enough)(and/or your radar detector beeped) to avoid stopping at a red light. x;-)
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 08-26-04 AT 01:13PM (CST)[/font][br][br]Suppose if I had a pick-em-up truck with a gun rack in the back and a crash bar on the front, I would just run into the guy or run him over in order to read it then flip him the bird as I passed by. Is that what you'd do with your truck?
We may not drive politely but we are driving so slowly that no one notices (except for upstate Republicans). By the way, it was published today that the state with the worst traffic death rate is Wyoming. #2 is Mississippi. New York is #49.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 08-28-04 AT 10:07PM (CST)[/font][br][br]I saw the same message on a picture of two toilets . . . there may have also been head shot pictures strategically placed.
John Kerry walks into a bar. The bartender says "why the long face?"
Raymond: Although my current ride is a new pickup truck, I have never had a gun rack in the window of a vehicle. You are prejudiced. Several times a year I have a shotgun in my truck when I am bird hunting. I was arrested on federal property last year for having a loaded pistol in the door. I no longer have it loaded. Do you always get this out of joint when your mispelling is called to your attention????
Yes. And everyone in NY drives a Volvo or a Moped and says 'youse guys'. And has a beer gut from Yankee Stadium hotdogs. Even the women. They all look exactly alike, right? x:D
"youse guys" is a term that people from upstate are not allowed to use. As for all us women looking alike, I thank you. It is so nice to know I look like Christie Brinkley. x:*
Well, I suppose upstaters of the mafia persuasion might say "youse guys". But even though I was a member of the forum mafia, that doesn't quite count. I did drive a Volvo 20 years ago.
I dunno, ray. I think you missed the boat by not driving a Pacer - 'course, you could always go find one and restore it x;-) No blind spots and you could have enjoyed that beautiful upstate NY countryside.
Know how to tell a redneck executive? He has a gun rack in his BMW.
"The difference between genius and stupidity is genius has limits."
It can be very painful - TO WATCH
To funny.
So you weren't smart enough (and/or traveling fast enough) ( and/or your reflexes weren't fast enough)(and/or your radar detector beeped) to avoid stopping at a red light. x;-)
By the way, it was published today that the state with the worst traffic death rate is Wyoming. #2 is Mississippi. New York is #49.
John Kerry walks into a bar. The bartender says "why the long face?"
In the final analysis, aren't we all?
I dunno, ray. I think you missed the boat by not driving a Pacer - 'course, you could always go find one and restore it x;-) No blind spots and you could have enjoyed that beautiful upstate NY countryside.
Know how to tell a redneck executive? He has a gun rack in his BMW.