Friday afternoon trivia

What President had the "shortest term in Office, and, how long was it?"x:-/
Should anyone post to this thread...I DO know the answerth-up
Should anyone post to this thread...I DO know the answerth-up
"He was the first president to die during his term of office, and his administration, which lasted exactly one month, was the shortest in U.S. history."
"The shortest term in office was exactly one month and that was William Henry Harrison. He gave the longest inaugural speech in history and it was on a cold March day as inaugurations used to be in March not in January and he didn't wear a hat, didn't wear a coat, caught pneumonia, died a month later".
"he gave the LONGEST speech in inaugural history" THAT was the final answerx;-) Guess he should have shut up sooner and who knows where that would have taken our history???!!!I wonder if his inaugural speech is anywhere out there, preserved for future generations? I sure would like to know what his said that was so important he ultimately died over it.
He was giving a speech critical of the Swiftboat Veterans for "Truth" and their attempts to distract voters from the issues by dredging up irrelevant information from 30 years ago. x;-)