Tour de Lance, I mean France!

OK. Please explain the whole picture to me. Bike Fanatics (Balloonman are you out there? Still part of the Forum?) My husband and I have been watching quite a lot of OLN channel and the Tour de France. Just how is it that Lance is in the lead? I want him to win of course but it would be more fun to cheer for him if I understood the race. A Voeckler guy keeps being mentioned as having the YELLOW jersey for about 10 stages now but he is no threat to Lance - as the announcers keep saying? Is any one else besides Lance on the "American"/Postal team American?x-/
Seriously, he was 9 minutes and some odd seconds down a week ago. The mountain climbs are his specialty, and that's what they've been doing the last four or so days. He did well in the first couple, won yesterday, won today and now he is ahead by four minutes and some odd seconds. It's a culmulative total.
Pop quiz - what is a peleton and how does it work?
>Pop quiz - what is a peleton and how does it
The correct spelling is peloton and in the sense I am assuming you are asking it is a French word used to describe a pack of riders drafting each other.
Another definition in French is "rolled up in a ball".
What is a ray a and when does it work?
Anne in Ohio
James Sokolowski
Also, I learned last night that the year that Greg Lemond won - it was because the French guy (can't remember his name) allowed Greg to win. Greg wasn't even on the American team when he won. He was a member of the French team!
I guess I just want to know what all those nuances and unwritten rules are in more detail.
The Tour de France just doesn't seem to be about actual klutch performance it seems to be more about the reputation you build up before hand - which it also seems that some of that reputation is built off the bike field!
I don't know - what do you guys think?
Being a domestique on a cycling team is like being a second-string running back on an NFL team. You spend most of your time blocking, and every once in a you can touch the football. If the first-stringer gets hurt or is having a crummy season, you might become the starter. Or you might have to go to another team, one that thinks you're good enough.
In the Tour de France, there are a couple of teams where the #2 rider is riding better than the #1, so the team changes its strategy.
And there are people like American Tyler Hamilton, who didn't like being Lance's #2, so he moved to another team that made him their #1 guy. Then he crashed and dropped out of the race, so one of his teammates is the new #1.
And so it goes.
James Sokolowski
These guys who ride around on metal frames with little poles poking up their tushes, learned part of the art from those who study the flying patterns of migratory birds. They fly in either a wing or a V so as to give all the head wind to the lead bird, who upon exhaustion, either crashes in a pond or falls to the rear for a spell.
I can't imagine a million people gathered to watch one sporting event. x:o
James Sokolowski
In most areas of the USA this would be considered assault by bodily fluid and the perp would be arrested.
Could that be why the status is EX :-?