End of the World --part deux

And I thought 9/29 was just my birthday!
LONG BEACH, Calif. (Wireless Flash) -- Mark September 29 on your calendar because it will mark the beginning of the end of the world.
That's the chilling news from E.T. expert Dr. Terry Johnson, who claims various conglomerations of alien races are conspiring to destroy planet Earth on that day -- with the help of a few volcanoes and earthquakes.
Johnson says an earthquake is scheduled to take place in Guadalajara, Mexico, and when the "crest" of the quake happens, a giant spacecraft will slam into the fault line like a "kamikaze" fighter and start a global chain reaction that will result in the ultimate destruction of the planet.
He claims the E.T.s want to destroy Earth because, in his words, "They're afraid of human creativity and our unique ways of problem solving."
Some humans will be saved, and Johnson says many are already being abducted to other planets to be used as super computers.
It sounds hopeless, but he says hundreds of human abductees are working as a resistance force by learning to fly UFOs.
LONG BEACH, Calif. (Wireless Flash) -- Mark September 29 on your calendar because it will mark the beginning of the end of the world.
That's the chilling news from E.T. expert Dr. Terry Johnson, who claims various conglomerations of alien races are conspiring to destroy planet Earth on that day -- with the help of a few volcanoes and earthquakes.
Johnson says an earthquake is scheduled to take place in Guadalajara, Mexico, and when the "crest" of the quake happens, a giant spacecraft will slam into the fault line like a "kamikaze" fighter and start a global chain reaction that will result in the ultimate destruction of the planet.
He claims the E.T.s want to destroy Earth because, in his words, "They're afraid of human creativity and our unique ways of problem solving."
Some humans will be saved, and Johnson says many are already being abducted to other planets to be used as super computers.
It sounds hopeless, but he says hundreds of human abductees are working as a resistance force by learning to fly UFOs.
Some humans will be saved, and Johnson says many are already being abducted to other planets to be used as super computers."
I do not know how this information has gotten out, but it is accurate. I have been contacted and asked to represent the Forum and bring along our unique problem solving approaches. And, yes, I am one of those selected to be spared, saved as he put it. I have a book of passes that will allow me to choose up to 300 others who I feel should be saved. Other than my immediate family, I have 296 passes left to use.
>place in Guadalajara, Mexico, ...
Glad my husband and I had a chance to visit before it gets blown up. Too bad for the mariachis...
To them, we are just fuel and energy sources.
Ok, close the hatch again.
Go see the grandbabies. Win the lottery. Max out the credit cards. Buy a Lexus SUV. Crash my computer. Travel. Return to New Orleans for the memories,ohhhhhhhh the memories. Tell my brother-in-law where his head is. Burn the mortgage payment book. Rob Paul. Pay Peter. Alas, so much to do, so little time.
What??? I may not have been here too long, but somehow this picture does not fit#-o Did you really mean "tell it like it is, take no prisoners Don sitting in his office??? Oops, guess I am in trouble now!