Sailing & Skating

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 07-11-04 AT 05:07PM (CST)[/font][br][br]Ever have one of those perfect weekends that flat wore you out? Please, tell! Here's mine!
Saturday was my first stint as a crew member on the Skipjack Martha Lewis out of Havre de Grace, Maryland. A Skipjack is totally powered by the wind. On the first cruise I was at the helm for about 70% of the trip. I picked up the art rather quickly and the captain went off to give the history of the Chesapeake Bay to passengers. When we came in, I helped lower the main sail and the jib. It only took me one time to learn not to let a 1" jute line slip through my hands. What a Blast! Blue sky, mild wind, smooth water, 88 degrees and low humidity. Perfect peace!
Sunday my grandaughter had a birthday party at the roller skating rink. Say, whatever happened to organ music and the flea hop? It's all rap and hip hop! Anyway, I overcame my fear of falling and losing my dignity on my first lap. I got smart-alecky and tried to backward skate and did a major splat. My palms and my right (um, nevermind) are black & blue. I got back up and skated the next two hours - just like riding a bicycle! Now if I could only find a hot tub.
What kind of great weekend did ya'll (that's Southern for 'all of you') have?
Saturday was my first stint as a crew member on the Skipjack Martha Lewis out of Havre de Grace, Maryland. A Skipjack is totally powered by the wind. On the first cruise I was at the helm for about 70% of the trip. I picked up the art rather quickly and the captain went off to give the history of the Chesapeake Bay to passengers. When we came in, I helped lower the main sail and the jib. It only took me one time to learn not to let a 1" jute line slip through my hands. What a Blast! Blue sky, mild wind, smooth water, 88 degrees and low humidity. Perfect peace!
Sunday my grandaughter had a birthday party at the roller skating rink. Say, whatever happened to organ music and the flea hop? It's all rap and hip hop! Anyway, I overcame my fear of falling and losing my dignity on my first lap. I got smart-alecky and tried to backward skate and did a major splat. My palms and my right (um, nevermind) are black & blue. I got back up and skated the next two hours - just like riding a bicycle! Now if I could only find a hot tub.
What kind of great weekend did ya'll (that's Southern for 'all of you') have?
Here's the website for volunteer information and a cruise schedule - any forumites get special treatment! [url][/url]
I've been told the duck tour is a must-do & my husband is dying to see the naval yards. I may try to come around & check out this "forum discount" you mention......Any other "must-do" suggestions while I'm in town?