Definitely not a funny...
Anybody hear about the horrible instance of workplace violence at the ConAgra plant in KC last week? Apparently, a disturbed employee came in, shot and killed 5 other employees and then turned the gun on himself. After the news broke, many families of ConAgra workers gathered outside the plant and had to wait for hours before the names of any victims were released. I can't imagine being in that position or in the position of ConAgra's HR department right now. It's scary when you can't even feel safe at work.
Anyone had to deal with anything like this?
Anyone had to deal with anything like this?
We've never had a situation like that around here, but I did have to deal with an ee who talked about his arsenal of guns and other assorted weapons at home. He lived out in the hills and looked the part of a mountain man. Kind of wacky, very much a loner who wanted 3rd shift to get away from people. He threatened to come back and blow away his manager because he wasn't getting the "promised" transfer quick enough. We discovered he was fired by a local major defense industry mfg for threatening coworkers and management. Had the sheriff's detectives come and observe while we fired him and they tailed him to the PA border then provided 24/7 protection for one month. Had the potential.
Every day is a fun day, but some days are more fun than ever.