I Did It Because I Could

William Jefferson Clinton today is said by his handlers to be "Tackling it head on" when he says to Dan Rather, while biting his bottom lip, "The reason I did it is simple and is the worst of all possible reasons; I did it because I could. That's the most morally indefensible reason of all." The man is psycho if he thinks people of intelligence will buy that. "Just because I could" is not the reason he did what he did with Lewinski. People do things for much more intelligent psychological reasons. He either did it because he needed the affection or the power or the attention or the release or whatever. Not because he could. "Because he could" only made it easy to do what he decided to do and made it possible for him to act on his urge. Dems and Libs by the droves are saying now that "the man has tackled the truth of the issue head on". I assume I might respect the man for telling the truth if he were to simply say, for example, "I did it because I detested the woman I was married to and I had turned 50 and a young chic offered and I was somewhat neglected and opportunity presented itself and I thought nobody would ever know and I thought I could pull it off and it didn't work, did it?" Let's have some truth for once in his life. What think ye?


  • 100 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I'm with you Don. I don't buy his "truth" either. Which truth should we believe?

    "...for example, 'I did it because I detested the woman I was married to...'" Yep, I think that is it.
  • For times like these I really wish there was a "gag" icon. The man literally makes me sick.

    Why didn't he give that reason while his confession was being video taped? :~~


  • I agree there are alot of things people can do because they can but that does not mean they do them. There has to be another reason WHY.

    Just curious what does he say about "I tried marijuana but I NEVER inhaled."

  • Clinton reminds me of my teenage son - I ask "WHY did you do that?" and he shrugs and goes, "I dunno." At least my son can define the word "is".
  • I was never impressed with Clinton. I always thought he was a disgusting piece of horse manure...I certainly won't be contributing to his "wealth" by buying his book.

    It's certainly a scary thought that he did things because he "could". Good thing he left office when he did...no telling what havoc he could have caused in the world.
  • Rockie "ROCKS". The guy is as you say. What elese did the jack*** do because he could? Accept bribes/kickbacks? Lie under oath? Conspire to ... ? I'll bet he thinks highly of himself ... makes one of us!
  • I think I saw the same clip, and it just doesn't make sense. He could do it. So? He could of not done it. Saying he could simply means he had a choice. It says nothing either truthful or deceitful or meaningful; it simply says nothing. And shame on Dan Blather for letting him get away with such an idiotic response, as if it were some grand profound existencial pronouncement from the convergence of his soul and Rhodes intellect. Gimme a break! This guy dribbles turds and the media eat them up and tell us how helpful theyare to the continuation of the democracy because they delve and probe and pry the truth from the muckety mucks. They are all so removed from the rest of us real citizens, they havn't a clue what we're doing, let alone thinking. And Don, I won't let hm off easy with any explanation except an acknowledgment he's an amoral egomaniacal narcissistic ________ who cares for nothing and no one but himself, and for whom rules do not apply. And I don't care if his dad was a mean drunk and his mom...whatever, by the time you get to be a Rhodes scholar, you should have grown up and recognized your responsibilities, if not to us, at least to his wife and kid. Becasue I could indeed!
  • Thank you, thank you, thank you. I detest Clinton and his Mrs. If a man makes a CHOICE (or woman for that matter) to do what he did with Monica and perhaps many others, then he is accountable for that choice. If he lies about this, it only proves to me that it is easy and comfortable for him to lie.......and now I have to see part of my taxes going to provide income, health care and secret service protection for him until he dies. How very sad.
  • What a perversion of the word 'truth.' Truth means justification and rationalization however lame? 'Truth' is salve that makes people feel better about what they've done? We all have our own 'truth' then if it's to be used in that context. The mass that buy's into WJC's rendition are to be pitied. I'd be curious to hear his version of 'justice' and 'the American way.'
  • Having been on the cheatin' side of town during my first marraige, I certainly can understand why Bubba strayed. Here he has a wife who is on the verge (but not quite) of being pleasant looking, but pure witch all the way to the bone; a 5 at best. I can relate, so far. But then he goes and cheats with a 6. NO!NO!NO! This is where we differ.

    When I cheated, it was with a 9. And when the sun hit her just right, she was a flat out 10. When you're caught, you can at least say, " Ok I made a mistake, but you have to admit, WHAT A GORGEOUS MISTAKE!" Looking back I would have to say it was worth every damn minute.

    Today, I'm in my second marraige (I finally walked) and I never could have believed that married life can be this great. My cheatin' days are over.

    So Bubba, I can understand your picking the forbidden fruit, but my God man, choose a better looking tree.

  • My hubby plays in politics and I've noticed something about those driven to become elected in higher positions...that same ambition, need for power...manifests in many different ways. It may not be an excuse, but it does seem that people with such ambitions are wired differently.

    That being said....while I don't condone his behavior, and I'm not saying that his family didn't suffer....it was a personal issue. No matters of national security were compromised, our troops were not in danger, and I'm still not sure that it was worth all the fanfare it received. If Monica had come out and said that it was not consensual...THAT would have been something...but she was involved equally....

    Again, I'm not saying it was right...I'm just not sure that it was a matter of national security...
  • What's everyone talking about?
    I thought Clinton told us all that he "did not have sexual relations with that person, Ms. Lewinsky." x}>
    How many people believed him then? Probably the same amount believe him now.

    And Larry, I think Clinton has his own orchard not just one tree.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 06-18-04 AT 09:06AM (CST)[/font][br][br] >
    >I thought Clinton told us all that he "did not have sexual relations with that person, Ms. Lewinsky." x}>
    >How many people believed him then? Probably the
    >same amount believe him now.
    Probably the same number of people who believe G. Bush about Iraq.

    This is my way of saying that while I think what Clinton did was horrible, nobody died because of the lies.
  • Well Hell!! I lost a bet with myself. I bet myself a coke that by post number 10, somebody would turn this to a discussion of Bush's National Guard experience. I missed by a couple. This is about the current media blitz on Clinton owning up to what he calls a mistake, not about Iraq, not about Kerry, Not about Viet Nam, or Reagan or Kennedy of Bush. It's about Clinton's current statements.

    And who knows what damage might have been done to this country while his drawers were around his ankles and he was rocked back on a mahogany credenza? Who knows? Hell, he could have blown off Gorbacev or the big guy in Egypt on the phone in the middle of doing it 'because he could'. We simply don't know, and never will.

    In my opinion the man single handedly, in eight short years, did more to destroy the 'office of the Presidency' than all other behaviors of all other presidents combined. We have his behavior to thank for the notion our high school seniors now hold of that office. We all grew up with a particular idea of the dignity of that office. And so did our current high school seniors.

  • But that is precisely the problem with "because I could." It can account for every cheat, every bribe, every body, every_________.I don't know that there arn't bodies, any more than I know there arn't bribes and all manner of deals to benefit his nibs himself. If the explanation is I did it because I could, the logical conclusion is I had people killed, I stole money, I raped and pillaged I defrauded I lied I cheated...because I could. The corolary is: I didn't do it, but only because I couldn't, which means everythng he could do was fair game in his eyes, and worse, made him want to do awful things, JUST BECAUSE HE COULD. I realize this is not what he said, but it is the logical extension of his rationale and why the reason offered is so alarming. t's a matter of character, and he explanation amits he is void of any integrity whatsoever. He has no compunction to do anything except that which he wants, because he is powerful enough that he can. A very dangerous man in my view.
  • Don...are you suggesting that our Presidents remain completely celebate(perhaps also avoid any other distractions, like golf and vacations) during their tenure?

    These are still real guys with lives that do extend beyond being President. And while he may have had an immoral roll-in-the-hay, I don't think, like him or not, that anyone can argue that he was not paying attention to the details during his terms.

  • "because I could".. I can only think that Mr C was alluding to the tacky old joke:
    Q :"Why do dogs lick their b-lls?"
    A: "Because they can"

    which actually is appropriate if he is likening himself to a dog. (sorry dog lovers, no insult intended to your loyal pets).
  • Denise, I'm sure Don will pipe up himself, but the concept is if Clinton made a poor decision based on gross misjudgment, then he would be capable of making a poor decision in any other arena based on gross misjudgment which could have had far more devastating ramifications. As Shadowfax said, a very dangerous man.
  • Because he could...
    Then he did...
    Next, he was caught with his pants down, and
    caught lying about it.

    Poor Old Bill. What does he want ? People to feel sorry for him? NO WAY !

  • I think you said it all, Ray, when you used the phrase "COULD have had..."

    The fact remains that we survived his eight years intact and, as much as I may have disliked him, I have to agree with Denise on this point.

    When a person assumes the position of most powerful individual in the free world, it's unrealistic not to expect that there may be some transgressions, big or small. Think Richard Nixon. Dwight Eisenhower. FDR. JFK. All of these presidents committed either adultery, which everyone on this thread seems to agree is indicative of amorality, or some other abuse of power (relating to Nixon in particular).
  • The because he could remark is laughable.

    It makes you think, What other actions did he do while in office because he could??

  • indeed, there are probably a BUNCH of things he did 'because he could' that we'll learn about years from now, and some others that we'll never know about.

    Finally, I'd like the Pres. of the U.S. to be a role model for my kids. Unfortunately, a vast majority of the kids in my children's middle school, now consider the action he did with Monica to NOT BE SEX. After all the President of the U.S. SAID AS MUCH ON NATIONAL TV.
    Where is our MORAL compass folks?
  • Leslie, I agree with you in principle. But if you look at a post I left earlier, you should ask the same question of many (perhaps most) former presidents. Power corrupts, remmeber? No one - NONE of us - is immune from the temptations that accompany that kind of power.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 06-18-04 AT 11:18AM (CST)[/font][br][br] >Don...are you suggesting that our Presidents
    >remain completely celebate(perhaps also avoid
    >any other distractions, like golf and vacations)
    >during their tenure?
    And while he may
    >have had an immoral roll-in-the-hay, I don't
    >think, like him or not, that anyone can argue
    >that he was not paying attention to the details
    >during his terms.

    I don't think anybody ought to remain celibate. Even those who have taken vows to do so, don't. But, last I heard the man also has a vow of fidelity in a marital relationship. He trashed that and trashed every American when he looked in that camera and denied his relationship and insulted you and me with his antics of 'what is is'. I will forever be insulted and offended by his sullying of our building which has this odd aura of sanctity. The same oval office that Reagan never even took his coat off in. It's simply continuing the offensiveness for him to grin and expect me to believe he's finally 'coming clean'. You asked about avoiding golf and vacations. Hell, life was a vacation for the man, as was golf. Neither of those activities is offensive. 'An immoral roll in the hay'? If that's your recollection of this male slut, you have a mighty poor memory. He cavorted or attempted to with hundreds of women since entering political in the state next to mine, BECAUSE HE COULD. "I was a whore because I could be, nyuk nyuk." And who knows what 'details' went un-tended to while he had his palm on top of her head. And who killed Vince Foster who was on the verge of exposing Hillary and creating major pains for Billy Boy? The man is slimier than ten Nixon's. Shadowfax summed him up nicely in his last post. Superbly well done, Shadow.
  • True, no one is immune from temptation. But, the issue is the choice to resist temptation or not. Whether to be a whore is a choice. Dems and Libs always enlarge the conversation by whining, "Oh yeah, Oh yeah? Well, what about everybody else, Johnny threw a rock too, everybody else shot waterpistols too!" The issue here is not who else might have done what or how power corrupts. The issue is the man did what he did and lied to us all and continues to play all of us for fools. Some of us buy it. Some don't. Beagle does.
  • "And who killed Vince Foster who was on the verge of exposing Hillary and creating major pains for Billy Boy?"8-|

    Oh, geez, I was wondering how long it would take for THAT old chestnut to surface! I must say now that I have seen it all. I've never seen a conservative republican conspiracy theorist before. x;-)
  • Power corrupts and it has nothing to do with Democrat or Republican, liberal or conservative.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 06-18-04 AT 11:36AM (CST)[/font][br][br]"Dems and Libs always enlarge the conversation by whining, "Oh yeah, Oh yeah? Well, what about everybody else, Johnny threw a rock too, everybody else shot waterpistols too!"

    I pointed out the shortcomings of our former presidents (note that I picked two republicans and two democrats, just to be fair) not to cloud the issue but merely to illustrate that if you are prone to that type of behavior, being the most powerful man in the world just makes it that much easier to succumb to it.

    I maintain that the last decent, moral president we had was Jimmy Carter - and look what happened to that poor guy. Pilloried by the press and conservatives alike!
  • This is really just one of the acts in the next conspiracy theory. It all has to do with Hilary's run to the whitehouse. If the Clinton's think Bush can be unseated this election, Hilary wants to be the one. If they think George will survive and be re-elected, Hilary wants to be standing in the wings ready for the 2008 election.

    Either way, having Bill confess nationally and promote the book takes attention away from Kerry and places it squarely on the Clintons. And during the election year. The Kerry camp wanted Bill to delay his book until after the election. His not doing so is an attempt to derail the Kerry nomination.

    Putting this spin on Bill's mistakes places a spotlight on Hilary, the loyal spouse. What strength of character, what noble loyalty, etc, etc, etc.

    You watch, Hilary's unofficial Presidential election prospects are behind this.

    P.S. I think this is an interesting theory, it does not mean I believe any of it.
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