Female Coffee-Aggression

I'm coining a new psychological syndrome label. I've noticed recently that the Forum ladies are much more hostile and aggressive than the men. In the past 24 hours we have seen one of our most regular gentle lady posters state that an employee should be told to "cut the crap, take a hike". And another of our most gentle, lady HR practitioners has remarked about an employee in need of counseling, "Off with her head!" So, I'm asking, is it the need for a caffeine injection? Is it possible that every woman HR person has somehow been infected with that awesome Jersey Girl attitude somehow. The men can't understand this phenomenon but, we're certainly here to help if we can. Please go get another cup of coffee and retract those nails before you respond.
Signed, respectfully: The Men's Club x:-) x0:)
Signed, respectfully: The Men's Club x:-) x0:)
You wouldn’t understand what makes us tick. End of story.
But, like a wise man once told me, us guys have to hang together or we hang separately.
Maybe the hostility is more a result of spring fever, afterall it was a particularly harsh winter in many parts of the country. My only concern, Don, is won't the caffeine just aggravate the situation? They'll be bouncing off the walls and all of them will look like "that woman" who used to reside at the top of forum masthead.
But, Don is right, us guys just cannot understand this illogical behavior.
I am feeling pretty darn aggressive right now!
Very funny. Continue on.
(Beagle, you coward!)
Hey Sam, weren't you one of the ones who blasted me last summer when I called my wife the "little woman"? I don't remember who it was. But, you're right. And one other thing you must realize, Don has my home email address and he knows my wife reads all incoming email and he can very easily get me into trouble with the little woman at home. So, I must support him.