Finally . . . . Tivo!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 04-29-04 AT 08:41AM (CST)[/font][br][br]Yes, I've been anxious to get Tivo and I'm instantly addicted. Tivo is a form of a Digital Video Recorder. No more setting a VCR, no more missing my favorite programs.

This system searches my cable schedule for the next two weeks and finds my favorite shows and with just a little info from me, it records my favorite shows all by itself!

I putzed with it for about four hours last night, neglecting my family, my at-home business and everything else around me. But, I'm all set! Does anybody else have Tivo, and does the obsession eventually taper off? x;)

Did I mention that I can now pause LIVE tv? When do the Packers start?? I have my own instant replay!


  • 18 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I have resisted getting Tivo precisely because I feared it would be addictive. I have a bad enough time tearing myself away from my TV with the On Demand feature that allows me to watch most programs when I want to watch them in any 24-hour period (sort of a poor man's Tivo, I guess). Besides, I'm not sure that I want all my viewing preferences tucked neatly away in some server somewhere - kinda like I don't care for the fact that my local Safeway knows what I buy because of my Club Card... Hmmmm....

    But Tivo does sound like it would be a lot of fun and very convenient.
  • Tivo is very addictive! Thank goodness it's just at my friends place. If I had it here I'd never get a durrned thing done.

  • You know Beag, I felt the same way when Safeway came out with the club card and then Albertson's followed suit. But then again, I use my debit card for everything - so they would know my "patterns" anyways. I guess if I really cared all that much I would pay cash everywhere I go. One neat thing is that Albertson's gives you the option of obtaining one of their discount cards without giving them a lick of personal info. Of course, I found this out after I signed up for one. x;)

  • My parents have some sort of satillite that pauses live tv and records up to about 5-6 hours of programs. It's neat. I have nothing - just a tv that gets maybe 3 fuzzy stations. BUT I do have a computer and that's way more entertaining to me x;)
    I'm curious - what is your home business? You're moonlighting on us!
  • Yes, I'm moonlighting! I'm a Leadership Rep through Avon, recruiting and training new reps. There are about 115 in our group right now. I'm planning to leave this job in July; it's been my target date for the last two years and I believe it's going to pan out! Being a short-timer is tough! x;)

  • Mel, maybe you should consider a career change with your new-found Tivo addiction - how about television critic? x;-)
  • Good for you! I've always wanted to be an author...but with school and work I don't have any time to even try to hone my writing skills. Maybe when I graduate in December....
  • Where do I apply? I'm very good at expressing my opinions, whether people ask for it or not.
  • Actually, similar to Para's answer, I've always wanted to be a book critic, or an editor. I love to read and I would love to proof / edit books. Remember me when you're a famous author . . . what are you going to write?
  • I'm going to write about parabeagle's escapades as a belly dancer. Ah, those were the days. 8-}

    Seriously, probably fiction and poetry. Maybe short stories. I also really like essay type books like those of Barbara Kingsolver (although I am not as liberal as her). My favorite book is "Never in a Hurry" by Naomi Shihab Nye. She's a poet and that particular book is essays about her experiences in life. It's good stuff. x:)
  • >I'm going to write about parabeagle's escapades
    >as a belly dancer. Ah, those were the days. 8-}

    Pook, is there something you wanted to share with us?

  • I thought you would write a book about how to trap - er - find a guy, Cinderella. x;-)

  • But, McMel, you were asking about TIVO. My daughter in college got one early this year and thinks it's better than sliced bread. I don't understand the concept 'cause I don't spend much time in front of the tube. I have other things to do..........I do write occasionally.
  • Nah - I have to READ books about that. Don't have enough knowledge on how to get one to write a book about it. Although, that has never stopped some!

    I'll have you know I am now stringing along TWO count 'em TWO men on Whooopeee! x}>
  • Be careful. That's the same thing THEY think.
  • Don't worry Don, I've got the book to back me up (yeah...something like that!).
  • The addiction doesn't end but sometimes you have to stage an intervention.

    I'd lusted in my heart for Tivo for a couple of years and finally gave in to temptation about 7 months ago.

    IMHO the positives of Tivo speak for themselves. The negatives I've discovered are:

    1) We never channel surf anymore. While this sounds like a plus, it also has stopped us from stumbling upon new shows or finding the oddly quirky, but interesting factoids you pick up on Food TV, HGTV, etc.

    2) Our neighbors think we hate them because we never leave the house anymore. Why should we? There is ALWAYS something on Tivo.

    3) Tivo gets weird sometimes. My Tivo doesn't think I'm gay (not that theres anything wrong with that) but it does think I speak Spanish (I don't), have children (I don't) and have a great interest in hip-hop (I don't). As best I can figure, this is because I accidently taped ONE movie off the HBO Latin channel and have a sick addiction to DEATH TO SMOOCHY. I'm at a loss to explain the hip-hop connection.

    4) There are only 24 hours in a day and I just can't quit my job to watch TV full time.

    Having said all that. I love my Tivo and I can't imagine going back to "regular" tv. I could wax poetic for hours about why I love Tivo. Simply put, it rocks.

    Have fun!!
  • Well, I've had it for a week, I LOVE IT, and I'm ready for an intervention already. Shows that I normally live without, I'm sitting up and watching at 11:30 at night, just because I can.

    I'm considering calling in to work so I can get caught up with what I've "Tivo-ed".

    I'm starting to hear the little bloop-bloop sound in my sleep, and I like it.

    I LOVE IT!
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