Hillary's first night ...

Hillary Clinton gets elected President and is spending her first night in the White House.
The ghost of George Washington appears, and Hillary says, "How can I best serve my country?"
Washington says, "Never tell a lie." "Ouch!" says Hillary, "I don't know about that."
The next night, the ghost of Thomas Jefferson appears...Hillary says, "How can I best serve my country?" Jefferson says, "Listen to the people."
"Ohhh, I really don't want to do that."
On the third night, the ghost of Abe Lincoln appears.. Hillary says, "How can I best serve my country?" Lincoln says, "Go to the theater."
The ghost of George Washington appears, and Hillary says, "How can I best serve my country?"
Washington says, "Never tell a lie." "Ouch!" says Hillary, "I don't know about that."
The next night, the ghost of Thomas Jefferson appears...Hillary says, "How can I best serve my country?" Jefferson says, "Listen to the people."
"Ohhh, I really don't want to do that."
On the third night, the ghost of Abe Lincoln appears.. Hillary says, "How can I best serve my country?" Lincoln says, "Go to the theater."
Raytoot, did your company's machines have anything to do with it? Can't come up with anything else.
>something remotely nice about her. How the hell
>did she get elected as a senator from NY?
The Republicans had a death wish and came up with a candidate whose name is forever lost to history.
Isn't what's his name or can't remeber his name the guy who ran for prez against "W"? Oh well, he's not important anyway.
By the way, I heard that "W" stand for "Women for W".
Ritaanz, NY still uses old clunker voting machines from the 40's and 50's. Can't pass a budget on time, can't decide how to spend federal tax dollars on new voting equipment and we elect Hillary. At least we are consistent.
We call him "Prince Bill" becuase he served in all those capacities under King Bill Clinton and Richardson learned his lesson's well if not better. While cutting our state income taxes somewhat, he turned around and raised fees, taxes on other items, raided our land grant permanent fund, absorbed the tobacco settlemnet fund, etc to the net increase on us of $300mill+ since bieng in office for just one year.
When our former governor left office, he left us with a surplus. Prince Bill has now put us in the red!x:'(
Just an FYI, my wife is from Michigan, Flint area to be exact. My sister lives in Saginaw. My wife has cousins in Port Huron