Forum funeral-man

Krista is not the only one a day late for the wonderful calendar Leslie put together, but I'd settle for March or April (I know, a bit presumptious.)In some earlier post I acknowledged I had done a bit of acting, so here is the most recent proof, at least of a costume if not the acting. Weekend of Dec 4 - 8 I was Mr Sowerberry in the musical Oliver (hence the costume). We played to about 5000 people in 6 performances. No one threw ripe veggies, so I assume the audience was at least mildly amused.
After Margaret's shenigans with her pix I had to wait for something different, if not
mindbendingly dazzling.
P.S. I'll be in the lobby to autograph tapes and DVDs. Best wishes to all of you and your loves for a wonderful holiday ana a propserous New Year.
Dick Mosier
After Margaret's shenigans with her pix I had to wait for something different, if not
mindbendingly dazzling.
P.S. I'll be in the lobby to autograph tapes and DVDs. Best wishes to all of you and your loves for a wonderful holiday ana a propserous New Year.
Dick Mosier
Oliver seems like it would be a fun production to be in, glad no one tossed rotten tomatoes!
Really, though great shot. Wish I had the courage to get up on a stage because it seems like such great fun to entertain. So you are indeed Mr. April 2005!
PS ANYBODY - If you want a shirt to pose in, let me know. Only worn once, and no veggie stains!
That looks like a backdrop at Three Little Bakers in Wilmington, De. We have another celebrity on the Forum!
Great photo. Another proof that there is a life outside of HR.
As a musician I believe there is nothing better than being on the stage performing and being in the zone! As a matter of fact my better half and I ventured to a jam night Sunday at a local club and for the first time in over a year I was able to play, with some good friends I might add, and it was great.
My controller has a magic wand - I've suggested that he bring it to the next Director meeting and bonk on the head those who don't "get" whatever it is we're talking about. The skull-headed cane could be a great tool for that too! x}>
I love hearing about everyone's extra curricular activities. I've never acted, but I spent my entire childhood taking, then teaching dance (ballet, tap, jazz) and loved being on the stage at the end of every season.
Margaret Morford
By the way, I'm the officially the last person on the face of the earth to see the Lord of the Rings, Two Towers. I was surprised to hear the name of Gandalf the White's trusty steed, Shadowfax. Is that where you got your name, or is there another story behind it? Inquiring minds want to know.
I have not seen the movie and I am conflicted. I know it should be seen on the big screen, but it is OVER 3 hours. I cannot sit still for that long. That is why I love the pause button on my DVD.
how was it karenosi?
Margaret Morford
[url], Viggo[/url]
Beyond dreamy.
I remember that Harrison Ford was an especially revered hollywood actor on this site some time ago. I think that Viggo is in that category.
Shadowfax, you are the Viggo of HRhero with that moustache, very dashing!
I get into books more than movies, so maybe I'll take a shot at reading the stories instead. Same goes for the Harry Potter series - I'm just not interested in the movies, but the books might be OK.
We did see the the first one in the movie theater and I just barely made it through.
Shadowfax, want to jump in here and let us know if our speculations are true?
PS I will try to find a movie with Viggo just so I know how good I look. Thanks to all! And beswt wishes for a joyous and merry holiday to all!
A wonderful Christmas to all!
Margaret Morford