Best excuse of the day . . .

We have an employee who called in because she was going to be tardy for second shift . . . very considerate of her.
"My doorknob fell off and I can't get out of the house . . . but I'll be there as soon as I get out."
Can anybody top this one?
I hope I can keep a straight face when she finally shows up today.
"My doorknob fell off and I can't get out of the house . . . but I'll be there as soon as I get out."
Can anybody top this one?
I hope I can keep a straight face when she finally shows up today.
I can't help it, my dreams seem so real!
"I dreamed that I was already here."
I keep it taped to my wall. Otherwise no one would ever believe it.
Paul in Cannon Beach
Granted with all these new gadgets, it has been a long time since I actually used the key to unlock the car door, but last time I checked the key would still unlock the door.
Some People, ya just gotta luv 'em.
She couldn't "go commando"?
wait a minute never mind I don't want to know the details!#O
Expecting to hear someone (I don't know, Don, Ray) respond to this one. =P~
Oh wait I am probably on the wrong forum to discuss that.............
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman