Monday Night Football!

Aah, yes, the Packers are on Monday night football and I have tickets to a skybox in the newly renovated Lambeau Field! How do I get through the day? Today is payroll, and I hope these guys are all getting paid correctly, my head is already at Lambeau Field and the day is crawling!

It was all I could do not to wear green and gold to the office today, not appropriate attire, even on Packer day, unfortunately.

Keep your fingers crossed for those Packers!

Make sure all of you football fans go to [url][/url] and select your favorite team and donate a can of soup to charity! x:D



  • 32 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • The game will have been going for an hour by the time I get home, but I promise to be envious of you when I sit down to watch it on TV with my leftover pizza. x;-)
  • E - A - G - L - E - S......go Eagles.

    I currently am being a typical Philly fan. I love/hate the Eagles...cause they are gonna loooooooossssseeeee to Green Bay. I have refused to wear my Eagles coat (due to embarrassment)! I hope they will win but know in my heart that Brett (with his cute butt) will snip my Eagles wings!

  • Try to enjoy the game. I know it's gotta be distracting when those sky-box jet setters start passing around fine whiskey and ribeye plates about 10 minutes into the game. Hope Brett connects with Wesley Walls. They're both Mississippi boys. Something tells me your boss is going to tell you about 2 p.m. that he needs you to stay over and finish some project. x}> In that event, leave the tickets at 'will call' for me.
  • Mjindra, I don't understand. I keep sending you chocolates and the lettuce you requested, but you never invite me to join you at these games. What more do I have to do. I will be routing for the Packers tonight, only because my boss is from Philly and is a big Eagles fan.
  • para - my condolences for missing part of the game, I would have to go MIA during Monday afternoons if I knew the game was starting while I was at my desk.

    HR - I'll be sure to check out Brett's cute butt, or what I can see of it, AND I'll encourage him to bury those Eagles. All in fun, of course.

    Don - you can be sure my boss will not be slowing me down anywhere near 2 p.m. He'll be lucky if he can find me around then. I'm going into hiding.

    ray a - I've sent the tickets to you in the past, but you never showed. They must have ended up wherever the chocolates and lettuce are. Hmmmm.
  • Being a "Packer Backer" since birth (my dad's from Sheboygan!), I understand your enthusiasm and am entirely too jealous. Eat a brat for me!
  • Sheboygan? That's 20 minutes from here! I'll be sure to eat at least one brat for you! It's a deal!
  • It is a deal! Make an HR hero sign so we know who you are if you get on TV! Wear your cheese head and have a great time!
  • Oh man, I just got home 20 minutes ago and couldn't wait to get on here to say, the Packers blew it! What a lousy game!

    The seats were great and I DID eat a brat for you KSimonton.

    I was too far away to check out Brett Favre's butt, but I'm sure it was nice.

    Yes Don, the whiskey was flowing, but not in my direction. My husband tried to finish the bottle, although I don't think he quite made it.

    What an experience!
  • Posting at 2:44 a.m. Don't have to worry about HER being in today!
  • You've got that right! I'm off on Tuesdays, anyway, which worked nicely, but I was up and at 'em at about 7:30. No promises how long I'll be functioning though!

    I forgot to mention, anybody coming to a Packer game at Lambeau field has to come to town about three hours early and go bar hopping first. There are bars with shots set up outside, just begging you to take them. Alright! I gave in, didn't want them to go to waste!
  • E - A - G - L - E - S......EAGLES!!!

    Hey, I'm really sorry about coming to your house and kickin your butt. I really don't know how that happened!! It wasn't suppose to. So today, I am on the wagon with the Eagles, but I still think Duce Staley should have been left to rot in SC and Donovan should have been benched for poor performance.

    I will savor this moment, I know it won't last very long. Oh and I saw Brett's butt on TV...looked just as good as always.
  • Actually, I forgot to share this!

    The people we were in the skybox with were Brett Favre's neighbors so I was getting the scoop on him while I was there! He sounds like an awesome guy.

    We also met some yahoos from Mississippi, (what an accent) x:D, and they were in Brett Favre's skybox. They came from Kiln Mississippi to watch the game.

    What a party atmosphere!
  • They came from Kiln Mississippi to
    >watch the game.
    >What a party atmosphere!

    I would suppose that people would travel from Kiln, Mississippi to watch ANYTHING - soap box derby, tiddlywinks championship, etc. x;-)

  • Good point para, do they have access to network channels in Mississippi?
  • Now you've stepped in beagle and mjindra! Disparaging the, my, you're brave.

    And pretty cocky, mjindra, for someone whose team just gave it up on national tv.

    By the way, I think the cable connection in Mississippi comes through bottle trees. x:D
  • If the team that trounced us was from Mississippi, you wouldn't hear me babbling . . . but, who IS Mississippi's team anyway?

    It's all in fun Leslie. I really do like a guy with an accent, so I'm a big fan of Southern folks. x:D
  • I'm just a little miffed with your Pack right now - they made me lose my football pool. I was looking at $$$ dancing before my eyes!
  • It is the destiny of all football fans to ride the emotional rollercoaster. Devastating heartbreaks and heartaches followed by dazzling emotional highs, followed by interminable non-performance. Love the highs, hate the rest.
  • It will interest ya'll to know that not only is Brett Favre from Mississippi, but so is the Eagle who caught the winning pass. (I gotcho' cable Beaglepuss)
  • Well, I am a bit concerned about Favre's name. Is it a Southern thing to spell a name "Favre" and pronounce it, "Farve?" Makes one go Hmmmmm....
  • Mississippi produces some good corn fed boys and some even turn out to be awesome football players. I'm sure every little town in Mississippi is like here...Friday night is High School football and everyone shows up even if they don't have a kid playing. They have to be there to root on the home team!

    I am riding my Eagles high and hoping it carries over to Friday night when my nephews high school football team advances to the second round of PIAA playoffs. Last Friday they beat an undefeated team on their turf to advance to second round.

    Its gonna be tough this week, this team hasn't lost a game in something crazy like 75 games. They have an All American tackle as well. My nephews team has NEVER gotten past them to go on to play for state champs. We have not veered from any tradition as not to pass bad juju.
    Everyone cross fingers and toes and well what ever else you can cross.

    It will be a big thing in this little one horse town for a local team to be state champs.
  • The seats were great and I DID eat a brat for you KSimonton.

    I was too far away to check out Brett Favre's butt, but I'm sure it was nice.

    Is that why I have heartburn today? :) Sounds like you had a great time, but you couldn't have paid me to go to that game - 39 freaking degrees AND raining??? Forget it! But they put in a great effort and there's always next Sunday!

    Try to have a good rest of the day!
  • I've got your back, Don D. (but you do the comments about cornfed, etc. pretty much are true for this part of the country)!
  • Not to mention the Southern passion for football. My last trip to B'ham AL, I was treated to (tortured by?) a nonstop diatribe on Auburn vs. Alabama for the entire cab ride from the airport into town. x;-)
  • I always wondered about spelling it Favre and pronouncing the 'r' first, myself. The name, I think, is a cajun name from Louisiana. Acadian, for the untrained. French Canadians who migrated south to the bayou country in Louisiana. Don't know why it's pronounced that way. But, I'll tell him Beagle is concerned. Tell you what Beagle, tell him he's stupid and doesn't know how to pronounce his name. You are right (someone) about Friday night football. When my son was in high school, the boys he played football with did not lose a single game from grade 7 all the way up till his senior year when they lost one in the state playoffs. We do tend to go on, don't we? Sorry.
  • If the game was on the radio, you were fortunate to have been listening to such a great game. If it was the cabbie running off at the mouth, you should have said something about his momma. Then you would have either found yourself walking or in a ditch, cut.
  • mjindra, did the 300 lb burping, sweating, swearing, video game playing polka dancer go too? Or does he play right tackle?
  • No, it wasn't on the radio - it was the cabbie blathering on... and on.... and on.....

    But I considered myself fortunate to have a cab driver who at least spoke English and seemed to know where he was going, so I kept my mouth shut. Besides, I'm a dyed-in-the-wool Auburn fan (unfortunately).
  • You were in the South. Cab drivers speak English or a close rendition therof.
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