Worst drivers

My first official post. I saw this link today from CNN. I wish I could see the full list because I'm wondering where HR folks rank.




  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I'd be interested in the whole list as well. I tried to find something but to no avail. Interesting that the groups of worst drivers are in professions that are very common in Boston.../:)
  • This article has to be wrong. I swear the worst drivers are always in a group waiting for me to get in the car and drive. Then they immediately take turns surrounding me and trying to drive me into road rage. It used to work nearly every day. I would arrive to work or home from the commute and it would take several minutes for me to relax and realize I survived another commute.
  • As a pedestrian (I don't drive at all) I feel the same way. The worst dirvers are waiting for me to walk to work so they can drive very fast through big puddles, soaking me from head to toe, run red lights and make illegal turns while I'm in the cross walk, very diligently obeying the traffic signals. My favorite happened this morning... a taxi driver (a class in themselves) comes speeding down the street while I'm waiting to cross, slams to a stop to let me go, then proceeds to inch along while I am crossing the street, filling me with terror that he is, in fact, a serial traffic killer. Honestly, just don't let me cross if you're going to scare the s**t out of me while I'm in the middle of the street!

    Is there such thing as pedestrian rage? If there is, I've got it! xx(
  • I know just what you mean Marc. Although I sense a trend on this list, young, lack of sleep and cell phones. Makes you think that more laws should be enacted to prevent this kind of thing.


  • I had read at one time that the deadliest drivers are 16 year olds. Not 16-18, but actually just 16 years old. They have less time on the road and are more prone to distraction.

    I've also heard that women have more accidents, but men have deadlier ones.

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