Okay - now I need some cheering up.
Too bad there's not an emoticon that looks like Eeyore - that's how I feel right now. x:-(
We have a very important vote coming up tomorrow, it's an initiative to repeal the Washington State Ergonomics rule (the ONLY one of it's kind in the nation) and the pollsters say that it will fail by 15%. I think it will fail largely due to the opposing sides very own negative campaign ads on TV (those jerks - the reasoning is clear enough for it's passage and they didn't have to stoop to the level they did) and I'm really frustrated. It's such a dumb law & it is SO backed by labor unions, that if it does fail, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that labor unions control Washington State. So, come Wednesday morning, I may be looking for a new job in a different state - I'm easy, I'll move anywhere there's a starbucks and a birkenstock outlet - any takers? x:-)
We have a very important vote coming up tomorrow, it's an initiative to repeal the Washington State Ergonomics rule (the ONLY one of it's kind in the nation) and the pollsters say that it will fail by 15%. I think it will fail largely due to the opposing sides very own negative campaign ads on TV (those jerks - the reasoning is clear enough for it's passage and they didn't have to stoop to the level they did) and I'm really frustrated. It's such a dumb law & it is SO backed by labor unions, that if it does fail, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that labor unions control Washington State. So, come Wednesday morning, I may be looking for a new job in a different state - I'm easy, I'll move anywhere there's a starbucks and a birkenstock outlet - any takers? x:-)
No ergonomic guideline
No sales tax
Smaller population
Friendlier people
But seriously, if we all moved because our state legislatures were stupid and/or corrupt we'd have to start our own country. Hmmm - not a bad idea.
At least I don't live in California!!
Yes the weather is great, but the labor unions had our former Governor and our current state legislature in the palm of their hands.
I just recently saw the list of new labor laws that take effect in January. That sucking sound that Pork keeps talking about is going to be all the businesses leaving California!
Darn, HRSage, I was going to say move to Berkeley - tons of birkenstocks and coffee houses. In fact, Berkeley had an initative on their last election to allow only organically grown coffee to be sold in Berkeley. Ah, the intellectually weird and challenged.
I think it's also a city ordinance that everyone in Berkeley has to own at least one pair of Birkenstocks. And from what I hear they are very anti- Starbucks- too corporate, that's why they had that ballot initiative.
OK, I am off the bully pulpit now.
Today's the day for the vote - so we'll see what happens. At least on the brighter side, if it does pass, it will sure mean job security for me. x:-)
Thanks again everyone!
Just saw the post from Don - I'm amending my closing "Thanks again everyone!" to "Thanks again everyone, 'cept Don!" I was in Mississippi for about 6 weeks - man - the cockroaches were everywhere x;-) You know my humor too my friend x:-)
ps - other than the cockroaches - I did like my time at Keesler.
Sorry to hear that! Don't give up. Polls are often wrong.
I was in the Poulsbo area looking into a possible staff retreat site when I got stuck in traffic (traffic? in Seattle? Never!) Anyways, I tuned in to a great discussion on the radio about your ergonomics law and the repeal effort. The callers tended to be against the law and did a pretty good job of showing why it needed to be repealed.
The only guy in favor of it was an ergonomics consultant who stood to get alot of business helping companies with compliance.
When is the vote?
Paul in Cannon Beach, OR
It's crazy to know that tomorrow could actually be the last day that I have to think about this garbage or the first day that I have to put it in place.
I feel like I've just run the marathon but don't know if I finished. (:|
What happened?
Paul in Cannon Beach
93% of the vote is in, unions are already whining x:'( that business outspend them in the campaign and 53% of the voters have APPROVED the initiative to repeal the ergonomics regulation. I'm so happy, I have to wear xB-)!
Thanks, I needed that.
Safety W