Fun Facts to Know and Tell

Okay, our Halloween potluck is over, everybody's grazing on leftovers and not much work is getting done. So I thought I would stop by the forum and let you in on a few fun facts to know and tell. You'll be a hit at your next cocktail party with information like this. Enjoy. x:-)
78% of women say that they fantasize about this on a daily basis.
Coming home to a clean house
According to Reader's Digest, only 8% of Americans will do this on Halloween.
Hand out "full-size" candy
Based on a recent survey, women are much better at this because men say they can only endure this for seventy-two minutes.
78% of women say that they fantasize about this on a daily basis.
Coming home to a clean house
According to Reader's Digest, only 8% of Americans will do this on Halloween.
Hand out "full-size" candy
Based on a recent survey, women are much better at this because men say they can only endure this for seventy-two minutes.
As long as my guy is unfailingly romantic, slays dragons for me, makes enough dough to keep me in jewels and velvet robes then I will keep the house clean!8-}
Don likes to come on here and make controversial and politically incorrect comments with the same zeal as the guy who twists the tail of the tiger and you should assume nothing about his personality based upon these off-the-wall comments. He has, in fact (as noted elsewhere on here), often commented about how he places his wife on a pedestal -- unfortunately the pedestal is 18 feet tall and she is chained to it. x;-)
My husband doesn't notice if the house is clean or messy. When I mention (whine) that the house is a mess, he very gallantly offers to take the kids to the park so I can have some time alone to clean. I usually opt to hang at the park with them instead.
I would never say anything as crass as Don did. I have too much respect for my wife.
I decided a long time ago to hire someone else to do this for my family - now no more discussions on who does what or why it's not done.
And, sorry to betray the ladies on the forum, but I can shop and 72 minutes is a grocery shopping trip at Fred Meyers (a combo store with everything) - not real shopping - real shopping takes much, much longer.
As to Don and his he-man post - yeah, right x;-)
Here we go again. The ladies have divided and conquered the guys.