Piano Tuner's Lesson
![Don D](http://blr-hrforums.elasticbeanstalk.com/plugins/DefaultAvatars/design/LBlueAvatar.jpg)
Gioverdi lived in a small village in the Alps. He was known throughout the hamlet for his masterful piano playing. People would come from the countryside and down from the hills just to listen to him play. After many, many years, his old Steinway fell out of tune a bit and eventually failed him. Gioverdi knew of a Mr. Ludig Opporknockity who lived several villages away. Ludig was the only piano tuner in the land. Gioverdi had managed to save enough coins to afford a visit from the tuner, so he sent him a letter of invitation to come and tune his fine old piano. Ludig Opporknockity arrived one cold November morning and went about the task of tuning up old Gioverdi's Steinway. After spending most of a day tweaking, twisting, tightening and wrenching, Ludig pronounced the job complete, collected the coins from Gioverdi, pulled on his heavy coat, gathered up his tools and went on his way, back toward his own village. Gioverdi, anxious to play beautifully once again for the masses took a seat and began to tickle the keys. Ahhh, the beautiful melody wafted through the small house and throughout the village. Then, boooonnnnnnnng....bink! One key was terribly off key. bink. bink. bink. Gioverdi, saddened and disappointed, sank on his bench as the people began to slink away and leave his doorway. By candlelight that night, he penned a quick letter to Ludig, the tuner, telling him that he must come right away, return immediately and rectify the tuning error, one key was terribly out of wack. bink. bink. bink. After the passage of a week, a letter arrived in Gioverdi's box. He noticed it was from Ludig Opporknockity and tore into it immediately, anxious to learn of Ludig's return date. But, alas, here were the word's of Ludig's letter: Sorry, my friend. Opporknockity only tunes once.
You're comments are music to my ears. I would trumpet them to the world but I don't want to harp on this much longer. So I'll just put a damper on this because it is a minor theme. x:D
Man - I almost didn't finish reading the post because it reminded me of why I don't watch the history channel - then, to my horror, to discover it was just a pun - I feel mislead x:-( . Where's the toilet humor Don, where's the smart- aleck jest? x;-)
What's wrong with xhugs trees or birkenstocks? I love our trees....