Tough week!

I hit 50 hours at 10:00am and I will likely exceed 60hrs by noon tomorrow. I am so drained. Do any of you have to work insane hours like this? They keep telling me the work load will get easier but right now I see no end in sight. My desk is covered with stacks of papers four feet deep. What do you guys do when there is no end in sight?


  • 9 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • That's why I moved into HR - to get away from insane hours. Seriously, I remember a time a few years ago when in manufacturing we were setting up a new process and I averaged 60 hours per week straight for 6 months. One day I got home at about 4:30 in the afternoon on a Friday and my wife and kids were lying on the dining room floor as if they had passed out. It was the first time I had seen my kids on a weekday in weeks. I got the message and haven't worked like that since.
  • I feel your pain. I'm going through a similar situation right now - it's really tough! All I do right now is make sure that my weekends are sacred. Hang in there!
  • The workload won't get easier unless you force the issue. In any case, since I'm an early riser anyway, I get a lot work done at home. It's amazing how much I can accomplish without interruptions. However, I refuse to do work at home at night. Everyone needs to time to unwind. And everyone is entitled to a life. After all, if you have the time you think on the great issues of the day (whether or not we want to trade Hillary for Gray or Arnold or Ariana or an exotic dancer or.....)(snappy answers to telemarketers now that they can harass you again). Have a good week end (anywhere but work).
  • Three days this wek I came in at 7:00am and left at 9:00pm. On those days my only break was lunch. The scarey part is my boss is working about 80 hours a week. I have never not seen her car in the parking lot. I will definately enjoy a nice cocktail tonight!
  • Go home, unplug the phone, and mix yourself a nice cold drink made with a top shelf liquor. Sip it slowly to really enjoy (you can chug the second, third, fourth x}> ) and know that it can't go on like this forever.

  • I have a couple of ideas that might help...

    1. Ask for a temp if possible. Just for typing, filing, etc. Your time is too valuable to do this type stuff if they can find someone who will do it for 5.15 an hour.

    2. Enlist your wife. Many times I've helped my husband with his job. (at home)

    3. Don't figure up your hourly wage using your 60 hour work week- it's depressing. I did it once and found I was working for close to minimum wage. Ack!

    4. See if there is any way that technology can make your job easier. If you can tell me what you spend a lot of time on, I may can give some suggestions. There is the obvious, when you send out letters, make sure to use a mail merge for the address and a stock letter so you don't have to type stuff twice. etc.

    NrdGrrl (nerd girl)
  • This is why we get the big bucks! (Tongue firmly in cheek) Or is it because we get rewards later, like profit sharing, bonuses, big raises - I heard somewhere that sort of thing happens to some people.

    We are so good at helping others set all sorts of limits, why are we not more successful taking our own advice?
  • I'm going to stop feeling sorry for myself being so far behind. You've got me topped. (The paper piles on MY desk are only a foot high.) Now the piles on the floor... that's another story.

    Please don't kill yourself with those hours. I know, I know - if YOU don't get this stuff done, WHO will? But everything DOES get done, doesn't it? Somehow it just does. Go home, and do not allow thoughts of the Forum (or your job) to enter your brain until Monday morning.
  • I used to work like this, but then decided what my limit was. I decided I can work 10 hours a day, but then I lose my effectiveness after this. I come in early (7 AM) and then leave by 5 unless there is something crucial going on. I can't say this always is the case, but I feel happier and healthier since I stopped working 60 plus hours a week.
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