Rant- No one ever told me work would be just like high school!!!

I swear, it just dawned on me that the group I work with acts like high school students. It's insane. They're in their mid to late twenties up to their fifties so they should be out of this phase by now, don't you think?!?
My dad always told me to work hard, be on time, act and dress professionally, and everything would be fine. He was partially right. He never told me that co-workers get into cliques, the girls that were both mean and popular in high school are still mean and popular as ever, that it's not who you know, it's who you suck up to, etc. etc.
I want to take my toys and go home, pout pout.
Thanks, I feel all better now.
My dad always told me to work hard, be on time, act and dress professionally, and everything would be fine. He was partially right. He never told me that co-workers get into cliques, the girls that were both mean and popular in high school are still mean and popular as ever, that it's not who you know, it's who you suck up to, etc. etc.
I want to take my toys and go home, pout pout.
Thanks, I feel all better now.
Some days, I fell like Miss Frances from Ding Dong School!
We need good managers. All the positive attitute and teamwork posters in the world won't work because no one believes they're posted for them. Sometimes supervisors themselves help head up a clique.
Yes, it's like high school, only now their getting paid.
Good Luck.
We have a relatively new director that I had a run-in with this month. Now others are having problems with her and she is becoming known as the Intimidator.
I bet every office has this going on. Why would we think people change just because age happens? I think it takes some sort of lightning strike, or as Don D suggests, they need a good dose of ??? - what, castor oil, a spanking? It is so nice living in my world, my license tag should say oblivious.
In my payroll hat I discovered two "Co-workders" padding their timecards. Leaving for lunch and not clocking in and out. Saying they were working a 9 hour day. Collecting OT. Anyway, I brought this problem to their Managers attention and they blame me! They won't even speak to me! They make snide remarks! I'm trying very hard to be pleasent and just do my job! I could just scream! They were basicly steeling from the company and it is my fault for doing my job! I just don't get it!
Yes adults act like children!
Sorry! I need to get that off my chest!
"You're not my friend anymore"
"You can't come to my party"
"You're not pretty anymore" (my VP's daughter gave us this one)
"Nanny nanny boo boo" (my 3 year old's personal favorite)
We really do have problems similar to yours. Two women in the office regularly complain about each others hours, work habits, and just about everything else. Then they go on smoke breaks together every couple of hours.
I'm fairly sure that if a coworker frustrated me so much that I b#$%@&d about her all day long (and vice versa) that I would NOT want to spend my smoke breaks with her!
Go figure.
YES - They did