[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 09-15-03 AT 01:08PM (CST)[/font][p]Scott, here's the instructions from James:
You don't need an HR Hero T-shirt to post your photo on Employers Forum. The photo needs to be digital, but you don't need a digital camera. The place where you get your film developed can put it on a disk. Then you can e-mail it to me. Or, here are posting instructions for the techno-friendly: [url]http://www.hrhero.com/employersforum/Employers_Forum_FAQs.html#photo[/url]
James e-mail is [email]WebEditor@HRhero.com[/email]
You don't need an HR Hero T-shirt to post your photo on Employers Forum. The photo needs to be digital, but you don't need a digital camera. The place where you get your film developed can put it on a disk. Then you can e-mail it to me. Or, here are posting instructions for the techno-friendly:
James e-mail is [email]WebEditor@HRhero.com[/email]