
Is it me, or are there other folks out there who feel there should be a better name for the people who frequent this site than "Forumites?" I'm starting to see this word used more and more, and frankly it makes me feel like a Star Trek character. Hey, if everyone's comfortable with "Forumite" far be it from me to go against the group, but I just think there's gotta be a better term. Any thoughts?
Forumites? Forumers? Forumanians? Forumans? Forum-inhabitants? Not sure any of them sound very good, personally. I think Forumite is probably the least objectionable choice.
Aaah, maybe we should just stick with Forumites
Paul in Cannon Beach
Margaret Morford
Margaret Morford
This thread was moved to HR de har har after Don's suggestion. If you all see other threads that need to be shifted from time to time, please let us know. tk
Tony Kessler, director of editorial
M. Lee Smith Publishers LLC
(615) 661-0249 ext. 8068
Nah, Forumites will do. Then again, Forumaniacs has a nice ring to it. . .
Although, if you remove just one letter, from Forumaniacs you would have Forumanics which can also be quite appropriate.
Brad Forrister
Director of Publishing
M. Lee Smith Publishers
Have to agree with Beagle on LEHRSH.
I'm off to sand bag my porch and hope that Henri goes somewhere else. .A safe a dry weekend to you all.
What is wrong with you and me Don - we are both posting on a Saturday morning.