Surprise Party

My husband turns 50 on September 4th. Tomorrow I'm having a surprise party for him. So far, so good - he doesn't know or if he does, he's not letting on. I've been planning this surprise for two months and I'm sooooooo excited that the day has finally arrived (almost).
I was wondering for those of you who have reached that golden age of 50 - how many had surprise parties and what was the best part of the day? I really want to make tomorrow special.
I was wondering for those of you who have reached that golden age of 50 - how many had surprise parties and what was the best part of the day? I really want to make tomorrow special.
Thanks for the idea.
However, my spouse and I are both licensed hams and do lots of emergency communication for events. My birthday just happened to be the day that RAGBRAI (the Des Moines Register's Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa) took off from Sioux City, so we volunteered to go back to Sioux City and help out. That morning, starting at about 4:30 am, I was stationed at a cross street, trying to keep motor vehicle traffic from getting onto the main street that the bicyclers were riding up. My spouse was several blocks farther south, and the riders passed him first. He had a big sign that told the riders that when they passed a green Jeep with flashing yellow lights, they should yell "Happy Birthday Paula!" I've never had so many birthday wishes from people I didn't even know!x:D
Have a fun party!
I made up a poster board that said, "Look Who's 50!" and covered it with pictures of him from infancy through military to him with his children to a more recent picture. I took it to his work and posted it right outside his cublicle. I also sent him a balloon-o-gram.
At home I had a lighted sign delivered that asked people driving by to honk him a Happy Birthday. For days every few minutes someone honked. My neighbors never complained and my husband's eyes lit up every time he heard it.
Then I gave him a surprise party that didn't turn out to be a surprise. We don't have parties very often, so he was very excited by all the extra attention. After all that, turning 50 was no big deal.
Good luck!