Differences Between Ladies and Real Women!!

Ladies - If you accidentally over-salt a dish while
it's still cooking, drop in a peeled potato and it
will absorb the excess salt for an instant
Real Women - If you over-salt a dish while you are
cooking, that's too damn bad. Please recite with me,
The Real Women's motto: "I made it and you will eat
it and I don't care how bad it tastes."
Ladies - Cure for headaches: Take a lime, cut it in
half and rub it on your forehead. The throbbing will
go away.
Real Women - Take a lime, mix it with
tequila, chill and drink. You might still have the
headache, but who cares?
Ladies - Stuff a miniature marshmallow in the bottom
of a sugar cone to prevent ice cream drips.
Real Women - Just suck the ice cream out of the bottom of
the cone, for Pete's sake. You are probably lying on
the couch, with your feet up, eating it anyway.
Ladies - To keep potatoes from budding, place an
apple in the bag with the potatoes.
Real Women - Buy boxed mashed potato mix and keep
it in the pantry for up to a year.
Ladies - When a cake recipe calls for flouring the
baking pan, use a bit of the dry cake mix instead
and there won't be any white mess on the inside of
the cake.
Real Women - Go to the bakery - they'll
even decorate it for you.
Ladies - Brush some
beaten egg white over pie crust before baking to
yield a beautiful glossy finish.
Real Women - Sara Lee frozen pie directions do not
include brushing egg whites over the crust, so I just don't do it.
Ladies - If you have a problem opening jars, try
using latex dishwashing gloves. They give a non slip
grip that makes opening jars easy.
Real Women - Go
ask the cute neighbor guy to do it.
And finally the most important tip....
Ladies - Don't throw out all that leftover wine.
Freeze into ice cubes for future use in casseroles
and sauces.
Real Women - Leftover wine?? x:P
Ladies - If you accidentally over-salt a dish while
it's still cooking, drop in a peeled potato and it
will absorb the excess salt for an instant
Real Women - If you over-salt a dish while you are
cooking, that's too damn bad. Please recite with me,
The Real Women's motto: "I made it and you will eat
it and I don't care how bad it tastes."
Ladies - Cure for headaches: Take a lime, cut it in
half and rub it on your forehead. The throbbing will
go away.
Real Women - Take a lime, mix it with
tequila, chill and drink. You might still have the
headache, but who cares?
Ladies - Stuff a miniature marshmallow in the bottom
of a sugar cone to prevent ice cream drips.
Real Women - Just suck the ice cream out of the bottom of
the cone, for Pete's sake. You are probably lying on
the couch, with your feet up, eating it anyway.
Ladies - To keep potatoes from budding, place an
apple in the bag with the potatoes.
Real Women - Buy boxed mashed potato mix and keep
it in the pantry for up to a year.
Ladies - When a cake recipe calls for flouring the
baking pan, use a bit of the dry cake mix instead
and there won't be any white mess on the inside of
the cake.
Real Women - Go to the bakery - they'll
even decorate it for you.
Ladies - Brush some
beaten egg white over pie crust before baking to
yield a beautiful glossy finish.
Real Women - Sara Lee frozen pie directions do not
include brushing egg whites over the crust, so I just don't do it.
Ladies - If you have a problem opening jars, try
using latex dishwashing gloves. They give a non slip
grip that makes opening jars easy.
Real Women - Go
ask the cute neighbor guy to do it.
And finally the most important tip....
Ladies - Don't throw out all that leftover wine.
Freeze into ice cubes for future use in casseroles
and sauces.
Real Women - Leftover wine?? x:P
cooking, that's too damn bad. Please recite with me,
The Real Women's motto: "I made it and you will eat
it and I don't care how bad it tastes."
My husband is trained to eat what is placed in front of him and say thank you and yum-yum. Failure to do so has devastating consequences.
The other 'real woman' categories sound like me too.
Anne in Ohio
I guess that puts me in the real woman category. There is never any left over wine, eat what I give you and keep your mouth shut is the motto here!
No left-over wine and everyone eats whatever they eat or goes hungry.
I love him anyway, the big spoiled brat.
Anne in Ohio
Don't know who has seen the beer commercial - where a comment is made about making picnic eggs. The lady who can is referred to as theh Queen. That is my Sister-In-Law - great cook. We are watching this commercial - my brother asks his wife can you make picinic eggs? She of course says yes - he then says she is the Queen. I of course did not know what a picinic egg was - (deviled) - my husband looks at me -then states you got the Queen and I got the Court Jester. We all laughed - then she explained to me that a picinic egg and deviled were the same things.
I call everything I burn "Blackened" - sounds very fancy. Oh well - have other qualities.
Leslie, in my book, you are a real woman who happens to be a lady.
I am defintely a real woman due to attitude. But I love to cook! So I guess I'm a lady too. It depends on the day of the week I guess! Hey, when I'm watching sports on TV and drinking some "good" beer, stuffing my face with nachos & hot wings, followed up with a good cigar ~ I can be one of the guys too. And trust me, I never leave any beer or wine in the bottle..
Only when he wants fajitas do I cook. That's my specialty.
And as far as the wine, I'd rather have a beer.
I have utensils that will cut a watermelon or green peppers into jagged little containers to make fancy fruit bowls out of watermelons and dip holders out of green peppers.
I can cut fancy cheese slices, I can slice tomatoes paper thin and I could probably grate rocks if I had a good reason.
I love to give parties and have a huge feast set up, but the day-to-day thing bores me to death. If it wasn't for everybody else in the family, I would eat cheese slices all day until I combusted. Cheese slices and chocolate chips. No lie.
Only so true, for me:
I have an awesome garlic grater - even though I don't like garlic (never used of course).
I have a food processor - I don't know why since I also have a microwave x;-)
I too have fancy cheese slicers - any cut you want, I can do it at my house!
I think it's childhood for me - an extension of my Barbie Dreamhouse!