Cat Toilet?
This afternoon I went home for lunch and walked in on my cat using the toilet to go to the bathroom. I have never in my life heard of such a thing but sure enough that is what he was doing. I'm not sure if I like this. Just thought I would share.
I have heard of products you can buy to assist and train cats to use the toilet. Sounds weird to me.
Better yet...did he put the seat down?
My dog hated the bathroom because she got her b-a-t-h in there so she stayed away. But she loved going in the garbage, turning the can over, spilling garbage everywhere. Then she'd get scared of the scolding she'd get and pee all over the kitchen floor. I went through alot of Clorox Clean-up.
Anne in Ohio
The only time he ever had an experience he didn't want to repeat was when he crept up on my face one night. I suddenly couldn't breathe and since my arms were up by my face I just reacted. About the time I actually woke up, I was sitting up and I could hear the cat's little feet scrabbling for a foot hold in the bathroom more than 10 feet away. I then heard him hit the back wall of the bathroom with a hard bump, and his feet scrambling to get out of there. He forgave me, but he never did it again.
He's never tried using the toilet, but always races into the bathroom as soon as I get home because he knows that's the first place I'll go. I guess he must really miss me during the day!
She is a 14 year old calico "space invader" that REQUIRES lap time each evening before bedtime. I think my 8 year old boy is less spoiled than my cat.