Just wondering if there are any HR/Parrotheads out there that will be attending either the Labor Day show at Mansfield, MA or the 9/27 Irvine, CA Show? If you are in Manfield I'd love to meet you - I will be under the 20' Hurricane Flags -you can't miss them; security has used us a as reference point. I'll also be in Irvine (gift for making AVP). Can anyone tell me about tailgating at Irvine (Verizon Ampitheater - do they have a parking lot or parking garage?)
Thanks for makin me feel just about as awful as they come x:'( . I unfortunately have not been blessed with a phlocking (flocking for you non Parrotheads). I couldn't get tickets to Camden, Pittsburgh or Maryland. Almost got in a fight at the ticketmaster last year (they had to call security x:=| ) so I was banned by my husband to go stand in line anymore . I manned the computer, cell phone and home phone all to no avail. Good thing HR has taught me to multi task!
Have fun and tell me all about it!
I wish I was going to see Buffet...have a margarita for me!
Jimmy's songs are timeless. His concert is the only one that I've gone to, (except for maybe the Stones), where the music appeals to all ages.
Love the new song with Alan Jackson. I have adopted it as my theme song at work.
When he does make his way to NC, my husband and I will be parked in the parking lot with all the other parrotheads doing what parrotheads do best. We'll have the blender going and the music loud. Wish it was soon!!!!!!!
Who knew that there were so many HR parrotheads out there! I guess Jimmy takes us away from reality.
Maybe we should start our own Parrothead club!