Has anyone been hit with the latest computer virus that has been going around?? My goodness, what a mess we had. We had to start from scratch with all our computers. I am so thankful for backups!
Same here! We are a utility company that provides cable and internet service to approximately 250,000 customers. The internet was down forever, all office pc's were hit. It has taken us 3 days to get the office back up and running. The problem now is that customers are calling to complain that the patch to fix the problem is not working, so we are having to start from scratch. Will it ever end?....
We got hit but luckily it didn't spread throughout the system. We ran a patch and a system wide scan which destroyed the worm. About 25% of our computers were infected. Fortunately we didn't loose any data. I heard on the news that a few companies had to resort to using typewriters, we don't even own any typewriters. I'm not even sure I would remember how to use one. It's been since undergrad since I've used one. Good luck!