
Hey, everyone who said they were dieting... how are you doing?
We had a health fair last week at work. Basic health screen, blood pressure, glucose testing (cholesterol), and body fat content.
Haven't received my cholesterol report yet, but anticipate it to be high. For the first time ever my blood pressure was borderline high - not good. We won't even talk about the body fat content - I need to lose weight.
Since both my dad and grandfather had heart problems in their early to mid 50's and I'm there right now, I've decided it is time to take my health a little more seriously. So, I'm on the diet bandwagon.
We had a health fair last week at work. Basic health screen, blood pressure, glucose testing (cholesterol), and body fat content.
Haven't received my cholesterol report yet, but anticipate it to be high. For the first time ever my blood pressure was borderline high - not good. We won't even talk about the body fat content - I need to lose weight.
Since both my dad and grandfather had heart problems in their early to mid 50's and I'm there right now, I've decided it is time to take my health a little more seriously. So, I'm on the diet bandwagon.
I quite smoking 2 years, 7 months and 30 days ago, (but who's counting) and promptly gained the equivalent of a pre-schooler! I know you're asking...... And she's just *now* noticing it??? Well............. you know how pesky a new dryer is.... I thought I was simply over drying my clothes!!!
Anyway, I am quite proud of myself..... 7 down - 32 to go!!
Good luck to anyone else on the same mission!
Good luck to all of you dieters. Remember a little bit of exercise and sensible eating (moderation, moderation, moderation) goes a long way!
Prior to this low/moderate carb lifesytle I would have recommended anything pasta but now I guess I'll have to recommend chicken.
I've lost 2 lbs this week for a total of 7 over the past month. I'm just reducing my intake, especially junk food and snacks. I also stop eating when I've had enough, not when my plate is empty.
I don't know why you're trying to lose weight. Or are you just trying to be more healthy?
People say that when you go off the Atkins diet, you gain the weight back. Well, doesn't that make sense. Anytime you go off of any diet, you'll gain weight back - unless you change your lifestyle to maintain yourself at the weight you like. I've actually felt healthier and had more energy without the carbs.
I'm a bread freak. It's not as bad as I thought it would be to give it up.
You're right about changing eating habits. My boss went right back to his old "diet" when he gained back all the weight. I'm not using any particular plan, just trying to reduce my intake and cut out snacks. I figure if I eat the same things and don't deprive myself I'm less apt to "fall off the wagon".
However, I feel healthier. We'll have our health fair at the end of the month and I'll see if all my numbers look better.
you don't have to give up beer. did you ever try micholob(spelling) ultra? It's pretty good for a low carb beer. 2.6 carbs per beer. :DD
And watch out if you like flavored malt beverages (the Jack Daniels hard colas, Stoli Citrona, Skyy Blue, stuff like that). They have upwards of 40 carbs per bottle! Ouch!