References.....should I?

Back when I first started my career in HR I worked for a woman that was well known in HR in my area. I learned a lot from her but I was working an entry level job. Two years later, I decided that it was time to move on, so I started looking. I went on several interviews. Finally, I received an offer. During my conversation with the new VP she asked if it was okay for her to contact my current boss as a reference. I said sure and gave her my bosses name and number. She immediately said Oh, I've known her for years, I need to think about this. Two days later she rescinded the offer. I have never forgotten that. A few years back I spoke with that old boss of mine and mentioned the situation with her. She told me she gave me a bad reference at the time because she didn't want to loose me.
Now I get to my point. I have an employee that has been with the company for just about two years. This ee knows that I am well connected and asked if I could give a reference. I do not want to loose this ee but know they have progressed as far as they can in their current position. Would you give the reference?
Now I get to my point. I have an employee that has been with the company for just about two years. This ee knows that I am well connected and asked if I could give a reference. I do not want to loose this ee but know they have progressed as far as they can in their current position. Would you give the reference?
Dangerous territory. I'm surprised your former employer would tell you this.
I worked for him for several years and felt that I had gone as far as I could in my position. I asked him if he felt there was anyplace for me to go within the organization and he assured me there was. In fact he even told me that I was being promoted and gave me a couple of possible new titles, which included increased responsibility as well as a pay raise - all that needed to be settled was what my new salary would be. He said that we would sit down and talk about it in a couple of days. Six months later still nothing had happened so I decided to look for another job. I received an offer for my current position (right after he left the company I was working for) and gave my notice. In speaking with the vice president for that company I asked her about my "promotion" and she informed me that there never was any conversation regarding my being promoted and knew nothing about it. I haven't seen my former boss since but feel that I was taken advantage of and lied to.
Bottom line - if this employee is doing a good job, has the potential to advance but there aren't any opportunities at your company, he honest with her and provide the reference. How would you have felt if someone held you back from advancing?