EE That Make You Go Hmmmm!

I know we all have similar tales to tell so go ahead and vent! Monday I counseled an ee about abusing sick time. She decided that she needed to leave work early yesterday and called in today. Apparently she is looking to be terminated.
About two weeks ago, an EE leaves a message for our Sr. HR Specialist about his vacation getting ready to hit the max 240 hours, and wants to know what he has to do to sell 40 (which hourly EEs can do once annually). She forwards it to the department secretary and says he needs to fill out a paid leave request and get it up to us.
So guess when his paperwork get to HR? On Wednesday, after our payroll processed Tuesday accruing his hours of vacation. It stuck at 240, causing him to lose some 4 plus hours of vacation. So he is up here at 7 a.m. this morning looking for his check and whining that he lost some hours and it wasn't his fault, and it wasn't fair - FOR AN HOUR.
In my role as HR at a former employer, I came to work one morning (10/31) to find an employee who shaved just the front portion of his head and painted a swastika (sp?) on his forehead in permanent black marker. He also painted a couple of symbols on each side of his head. This was right after 9/11 so people were obviously upset. He couldn't understand WHY he was told to either go into the bathroom and wash it all off or be sent home.....hmmmmm...
>of company time.
Sorry - it's Friday afternoon and I want to get out of here! I should have said 'so' get it cut outside of company time.
BTW - we just terminated an employee for trying to run people off the road in a company vehicle ........ similar incident on background check (how many years ago is too many?)
My daughter lives in Town. One of our Public Works employees scheduled a meeting to talk to me. He informed me that he is in love with my [married] daughter. He wanted me to put in a good word for him [also married]. He was willing to leave his wife for her. I explained (chuckling inwardly, maintaining composure) that I was through raising her a few years ago and he would have to proceed without me - as it is the Town's policy not to give referrences.
definitely - hmmmmmm.
I just oriented a new employee (age 18) who said his girlfriend will be moving in with him next week and he wants to add her to our health insurance plan as his dependent. I stated that he would have to marry her first and he laughed and said he was not getting married.
I admit that I replied "What? She's good enough to live with, but not good enough to marry?" He laughed nervously, and I added that seriously we would not consider a commitment to her health insurance until he considered a commitment to her also.
He said that he would come back next month, because he heard that after living together for 30 days they would be common-law married anyway. I look forward to speaking to him again and telling him to come back in another 6 years and 11 months. 8-|
I love the common law ones! I hear that all the time, they want to argue the law. I tell them to retain a lawyer and have that person call me. We dont live in a common law state!
Employee demanding the health insurance plan pay for him to obtain a partial set of dentures...why?
Employee has gone to Emergency Room 3 times this year because he doesn't chew his food all the way (presumably from missing two teeth) and it gets stuck in his esophagus, therefore a medical condition and dr. feels partial dentures would alleviate the situation.
Three ees leave work under a no-fault attendance policy. Go down to the corner liquor store (10:00 a.m.) buy beer. Sit in park located right across from loading docks (doors are open due to warm weather) and proceed to drink for next several hours, laughing at employees at work when breaktime and lunch come. Nice way to spend a day off, huh?
During the interview - the applicant disclosed he was a Mormon - before I could let him know that the information was not necessary - another employee earnestly sat forward and asked, "Oh yeah? How many wives do you have?"
We don't really use the panel approach anymore....