Something's Gotta Go Wrong!!!

Whoa! I'm feeling dizzy and light headed! So far today, I have won an unemployment compensation hearing because the claimant failed to show; received a phone call from an L & I investigator that a workers' comp discrimination claim against us had been resolved in our favor and thanked us for our cooperation; but, more important than all of that, in TWO SEPARATE POSTS BOTH DON D. AND MARGARET MORFORD AGREED WITH ME!!!!
Could the day get any better? And if not, what's going to happen to rain on my parade? There's 40 minutes left in the day, plenty of time for it to get messed up! :-S
Could the day get any better? And if not, what's going to happen to rain on my parade? There's 40 minutes left in the day, plenty of time for it to get messed up! :-S
Well? Did anything go wrong?