What I wanted to be...

Watching American Juniors this past Tuesday made me think back to when I was young...doing things like practicing accepting an award (Emmy or Oscar) in front of the mirror.
I went through many phases of "What I want to be when I grow up". Astronaut, marine trainer, teacher, truck driver (used to love BJ and the Bear with Greg Evigan and a chimp), singer, actress, figure skater...you name it, I probably wanted to be it!
What about you?
I went through many phases of "What I want to be when I grow up". Astronaut, marine trainer, teacher, truck driver (used to love BJ and the Bear with Greg Evigan and a chimp), singer, actress, figure skater...you name it, I probably wanted to be it!
What about you?
High school - wanted to be a lawyer.
I never "accepted" an emmy - but I did used to envision Life Magazine doing a pictorial essay on me. (My parents probably used to laugh at my posing all over the house.)
>doing a pictorial essay on me. (My parents probably used to laugh at
>my posing all over the house.)
Admit it, they have pictures or video of you, don't they?
and travel the world . But my Papa said "no", and I stayed home.
To imagine what could have been...
Since Princess Margaret passed away last year, I'm thinking the world is lacking a Princess Margaret. I stand ready to step up and filled that void. When I told my father-in-law this, he reminded me that there was a Princess Margeaux in Belgium. I explained that she couldn't possibly be counted on to fill the vacuum because she didn't even know how to spell the name right!
I'm still waiting for the call from the Princess Elect Association (PEA to those of us in the know) to be vetted for the position. I'm just warning you, if I get a chance to be Princess Margaret, I'm giving up this HR stuff.
Margaret Morford
Both my parents had been educators, and as the oldest daughter, it seemed to be a foregone conclusion that I would follow in their footsteps. I majored in music in college, and was short only my practice teaching to become certified. However, those days (1972), teachers were a dime a dozen, so since I had enough credits to graduate, I took my diploma in December, and set out to find myself in the "real world".
My transition since January 1973 has been: claims examiner and underwriter for an insurance company => individual and small group health insurance rep for insurance agency => benefits consultant for "big important international insurance broker" => benefits manager for several corporations => HR manager, then director, then VP for a corporation snatched up in an LBO in 1994 => hands-on HR manager for a medium sized plant (300 employees) in a small division of a super-huge international corporation.
Got to do the business suit and briefcase thing while I was on the corporate side of things, but am far happier in steel-toed boots and jeans, cruising around the plant floor at virtually any hour of the day or night. Did my career "backwards" - from consultant, to corporate specialist, to generalist, but it worked out well for me!
I too majored in music in college and back in the early to mid 70's. When people asked, "Why music?", I replied that I DID NOT want to follow in my dad's footsteps. He worked for IBM in a variety of professional positions including in the training field. I taught for 2 years, hated it, and went into the electronics manaufacturing business at one time as a training manager, now in HR.
BTW, do you play the cello?
I wanted to be an attorney when I was in high school, but I worked for some during high school and decided I didn't want people talking about me the way they talked about the guys I worked for!
I floundered around a little and then decided I wasn't going to get anywhere in the business world without a college degree. I went back to school and worked in banking as an HR Specialist with a great mentor.
Then, I got into healthcare as an HR Director and two hospitals later, I am in a large cardiac practice which I love (most of the time).
If I had to do it all over again, I would join the FBI and train as a behavioral profiler, but this is not something that I would recommend for a family oriented person. (Lots of traveling and stress)
In my spare time, I satisfy my creative side by writing. I do have a written, unpublished novel that my husband keeps kicking me to send it.
My main instrument is the bass trombone. Also play tenor trombone, euphonium, Eb tuba, flute and alto recorder. So, we do have the flute in common.
Are you, by any chance, a PDQ Bach fan? I am, and many years ago, I was privileged to see his "alter-ego", Professor Peter Schickele, perform his "Pervertimento for Bagpipes, Bicycle, and Balloons" with the Minnesota Orchestra - what a treat!
Fortunately for me - I was the last of four kids. By the time I came around they were too busy or just too tired to take that many pictures of me.
Can't say I'm a fan of PDQ Bach, but have enjoyed listening to Peter and the gang on PBS a few times. He is good entertainment. I admire the guy, it takes an extreme amount of talent to do what he does.