Worst questions you have been asked while interviewing

I have been asked: Sexual preference, marital status, age, number of children, racial preferences some of these by corporate attorneys. I even had a prospective employer ask me if I beat my wife. This after he arrived at the interview telling me how great his wife was the night before. Couldn't get out of that one fast enough.
Margaret Morford
I don't drink it either, but I do make it for our "breakfast meetings with the employees" and no one has complained yet.
Margaret Morford
Seems that their bread and butter was malpractice suits.
I declined the job of being a mole.
I could not tell if this was a test to see if I know the law, or just someone who truly likes to know his employees. It turns out to be the latter, and even though he has been told these questions could lead to trouble, he chooses to do things his way.
I never ask these questions in my interviews with candidates, and I have done my job by informing others (including the president) who interview candidates on the appropriate questions, and I'm comfortable that's all I can do.
I have the courage to change the things I can, and in this case I have enough serenity to accept what I cannot change.
If I only knew then what I know now !
A couple of his more memorable questions were, "This man you live with, are you married, unmarried, shacking up, what?", and "How much longer do you intend to work - you're a little long in the tooth, you know." (I was 49 at the time.)
After my interview over lunch with him, I had a short interview with the VP of HR, whose first question for me was, "I hate to ask this, but what kind of questions did he ask you?" He just shook his head when I told him - but I got the job anyway!
PS - The "Dinosaur" retired again the first of January - this time for good, we're told!