Rude Applicants



  • I had an applicant that applied for an accounting position.We were in the process of multiple interviews with her and checking her references (which were all glowing). At the time I was helping out in accounting and one day I was working on our list of shoppers who bounce checks in our store. Guess what?
    Her name was on that list about 14 times. An accountant that bounced checks in the store she was applying for a job.WOW!
    I then checked her college references and found out that she had lied on her application and never recieved the degree in bookeeping that she claimed.
    When she was informed that she did'nt get the job for the above reasons she launched into I tirade about how I was the liar and just wanted to deprive her of a job blah, blah, blah.

  • Years ago, I had an applicant who was waiting in the lobby for her interview. She pulled the receptionist's garbage can over to the couch where she was sitting, firmly planted it between her knees and began to clip her fingernails. Then she wipped off her shoes and socks and started on her TOENAILS! Yuck.
  • I hear you. In my past life in hotel/restaurant HR, applicants could work "any time you need". We adjusted the interview questions to be more specific and irritatingly redundant: what hours are you available to work? Are there any times you are not available to work? Saturdays? Sundays? Really? Are you sure? How 'bout evenings? Graveyard? Holidays? and so on and so on and so on... Redundancy DID make a difference though, I'm happy to say. x:7

    Reminds me of a breakfast cook applicant: she explained to me that she could "bake chicken, fry chicken, broil chicken, boil chicken, grill chicken, make any kind of chicken". Never mentioned eggs though. To this day, I cannot watch Bubba from Forest Gump talk about shrimp without thinking of this applicant.

    In my new life, I interview very seldom. I miss it and don't miss it.
  • Heres a fun one. Hired a Girl, and on the first day of Orientation she walked in the door, took the phone off the assistants desk, placed all her papers in front of her, then proceeded to call the other organizations she had interviews with and confirm. Then proceeded to tell them that yes she had current drug tests and TB (courtesy of us) needless to say she didn't come the next day because of her interviews she had scheduled.What a hoot.
  • A little different, but along the same lines...

    I can't stand to get an application turned in that has food on it, drink spilled on it, it's been folded or wadded up, or it smells really strong like smoke or perfume. It drives me crazy. What do they do to this piece of paper while they are filling it out?
  • I just had to add this interviewee.

    We are currently interviewing for a sales position. When this applicant originally came in to apply, I let him know that it would probably be a couple of weeks before we started interviewing. He told me that he was used to "HR departments that were slow in making up their minds."

    I set up the interviews and did the "HR bit" as my boss calls it. This applicant, arrived 5 minutes late - no apology. He dug his way through the interview wanting to know about the owner of the company and his family. When he returned to my office, he told me, "When I am hired for this position, I'll be glad to help HR since I have extensive experience in insurance."

    He then dissed our 401K, insurance, health, dental, LTD and Life, and told me that I was WRONG in selecting those companies.

    The other interviewers later told me that he had the coldest "stalker eyes" they had ever seen.

    I can't wait to send him a reject letter - with my boss's signature on it!


  • I thought I had seen it all until today! I had an applicant bring his girlfriend in with him. The two of them were waiting in the lobby while I prepared some paper work. When I returned to get the interviewee, they were making out in the middle of the lobby! This was no peck on the cheek, he was literally on top of her. Needless to say the interview lasted about 5 minutes and the rejection letter has already been sent out!
  • I held an entry-level exam last Saturday and one of the candidates is the wife of a current employee. Rumor has it that she has been messing around while he is at work; he works 8:30 PM to 7:00 AM. When I greeted her at the front door to the plant she gave a wink, shook my outstretched hand and then she began to let me know that she had a pierced tongue with a giant stud in it. Not only did she actually put her fingers in to adjust it, I guess, she made every attempt to show it to me. After the exam, there were 15 candidates; I met with each one in an open area of the plant to explain what the next steps in the employment process were. During our talk she once again gave a wink and made every effort to show her tongue stud to me, even now I still can't believe it. What was she thinking, that I as a male of the species would not be able to resist an attractive woman with a pierced tongue? UNBELIEVABLE! x:o
  • I've had a woman bike rider tell me, "There is only one thing those tongue studs are good for." I will not go further on the Forum.

    Now don't you go hirin' this woman and then write in after a month askin' us what to do about her behavior and appearance.
  • Doesn't sound like she was rude. Sounds like she was mighty friendly.
  • As always, I am ready and willing to further evaluate this candidate for you. Just send her this way.
  • Frank: Just be sure there is a county health department nearby.
  • Luckily, political correctness is mostly practiced
    in the construction world. Believe it or not. Out
    here in the wild, wild west, as a small-boned female
    at a construction company, I am the first line of
    defense in hiring people. Usually it's not a problem,
    but I recently had a man calling me, "Cute", "Honey",etc.
    For Pete's sake,I'm 46 years old, get a clue buddy.
    Needless to say, his application was put on bottom.
    I catch enough grief as it is, I really don't need the
    added leers. Besides, "my" guys would probably get
    rid of him in a rather rude way if he were hired.So
    in order to avoid further complications, I thought it
    better not to contact Mr. Romantic.
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